Seeing The Project from Start to Finish is The Key to Employee Satisfaction

23-Jul-2024, Updated on 7/23/2024 4:23:17 AM

Seeing The Project from Start to Finish is The Key to Employee Satisfaction

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In this day and age, companies are more focused on employee engagement and satisfaction than ever before. Employees who are happy in their workplace are more likely to value their positions and work to achieve the company's goals. Not to mention, happy employees are much more likely to stay in a role for longer. This benefits businesses as staff retention increases experience and expertise! In this blog, we will demonstrate how seeing a project from start to finish is the key to employee satisfaction. 

Karl Marx’s Theory of Alienation

The idea that employees are happier when they see a project from start to finish is not new. Karl Marx, a German-born philosopher and political theorist, spoke about this concept in the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts, 1844.

Marx believed that for workers to be happy and fulfilled, they need to design, make and experience the product they work on. He claims that if workers are separated from production, or cannot experience the final product, they become alienated from their work and feel unfulfilled. Marx believed this alienation was a result of capitalism, the increase of large corporations and the division of labour. 

I think it’s safe to say that most companies nowadays separate production into various roles for differing skill sets. This is a normal workplace practice as employers want staff to work to their strengths and, as Adam Smith says, the division of labour increases productivity. Not to mention, not every person has the suitable skills to work all the way through a production line. For example, a person could make a great designer, but not a great builder.  

However, many still agree that seeing a project from start to finish is important. When workers experience the final product, productivity rates increase and employees feel more driven and connected to their projects. 

Why Does Experiencing the Project from Start to Finish Increase Employee Satisfaction?

  • Accomplishment: Seeing the project from start to finish gives many workers a strong sense of accomplishment. It shows that hard work, creativity and perseverance have paid off. This sense of achievement boosts morale and reinforces employees’ belief in their skills. This increases confidence and productivity on future projects! 
  • Team Bonding: Many projects require team bonding and collaboration from many departments. Because most projects bring a sense of accomplishment for every team member, seeing the final result can boost camaraderie. 
  • Personal Meaning: Seeing the final project gives personal meaning. Where work used to be more transactional, people now want meaning from their jobs. In fact, 70% of employees feel their purpose is defined by their work, according to a 2022 McKinsey & Company survey. 

A Case Study - Quadrant2Design 

Quadrant2Design, a UK-based exhibition stand design and build contractor, is one of the few companies where employees can experience a project from start to finish. 

Quadrant2Design designs and builds modular stands that are reconfigurable and reusable. Every role that leads to the final exhibition stand is conducted in-house, within the open-plan office. This allows the company to ensure each service element is perfect, but it also makes the job much more meaningful for employees. All teams including, marketing, design consultants, CAD designers, graphic designers, printing and production, project managers and installers work within the same facility. Each stand is pre-built in the office showroom. This allows clients and staff to see their stands ahead of the show! 

We had an interview with placement year student, Teagan Williams-Tate, who said: 

“As a product designer, being able to see an exhibition stand through from start to finish makes my work so much more meaningful. I can be working on a design one week, the next the panels will be in printing and production, the following, there will be a full exhibition stand. It just makes everything I do feel worthwhile.” 

How to Integrate this concept into your own company 

There are many cases in business, like Quadrant2Design, where employees can experience a project from start to finish. However, not all businesses are centred around a product. So how can you integrate the benefits of this process, without a product-based business model?

  1. Host regular meetings: If staff cannot see the physical result of their work, show them the impact! Use your customer reviews and analytics to show your staff the effect of their effort. You can even share this feedback with the office as and when it comes through.
  2. Develop a strong brand identity: If staff cannot experience a project from start to finish, a strong brand identity and mission can help make the work meaningful.
  3. Give opportunities for staff to meet customers: Meeting your customers face-to-face is a great way to see the impact of hard work. You can do this by exhibiting at trade shows and exhibitions!

To Sum Up 

Seeing a product through from start to finish benefits workers as it gives personal meaning, fosters collaboration and gives a sense of accomplishment. This is usually possible when creating a physical product, however, the effect can be gained through other means. Show your staff why their work is important with regular meetings, customer feedback, strong brand identity and face-to-face customer interactions! 

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