Is Bengal safe for Hindus? Mamata Banerjee Ruling

22-Jul-2024, Updated on 7/22/2024 7:18:02 AM

Is Bengal safe for Hindus? Mamata Banerjee Ruling

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West Bengal, a socially rich and different state in India, has encountered political and social strife throughout the long term. Inquiries about the safety and security of the Hindu people group driven by Mamata Banerjee and the All India Trinamool Congress (AITC) came up for conversation.


1. Political setting


Chief Minister of West Bengal since 2011, Mamata Banerjee's political direction has been set apart by grassroots developments and libertarian approaches. His organization has focused on monetary turns of events, social government assistance projects, and foundation improvement. Be that as it may, political rivalries, particularly with the Bharatiya Janata Party, has exacerbated the emergency in the state.


2. Nearby contentions


West Bengal has seen shared brutality and pressures, raising worries about the wellbeing of different networks, including Hindus. Clashes over strict celebrations and arguments about land assets have been fierce now and again. 


3. Government reaction

The Mamata Banerjee government has consistently underlined keeping up with common amicability and advancing comprehensiveness. The state government has done whatever it may take to determine public contention through discourse and regulation. For instance, after fierce occurrences, the public authority conveyed extra police and started harmony gatherings between nearby pioneers.

However, pundits say the public authority's reaction has been lacking or deferred some of the time. The public authority has been blamed for predisposition and preference, particularly towards political adversaries and a few neighborhood gatherings. Explicit issues are normally taken care of by the public authority, adding to the intricacy of wellbeing and security in the country.


4. Social administrations


To make agreement among the local area, the West Bengal government has sent off friendly projects pointed toward advancing social trade and understanding. Programs that help schooling, wellbeing, and monetary advancement are intended to help all individuals from the local area, lessening the potential for struggle emerging from financial contrasts.

5. Political way of talking

The political way of talking about the decision party and the resistance extraordinarily influences the feeling that everything is good. The BJP has frequently reprimanded the Mamata Banerjee government for its supposed inability to safeguard the interests of Hindus, while the TMC blames the BJP for instigating collective hardship for political gain. This layered talk fills dread and makes a feeling of frailty locally.

6. The method of the living


On the ground, numerous Hindus in West Bengal keep on living calmly, approaching their day to day routines without straightforwardly observing their wellbeing. Endeavors by networks to advance union and shared regard assume a significant part in keeping up with harmony. Nonetheless, detached occasions and politically important issues can agitate this equilibrium, featuring the need to take a stab at local area union continually.




The security of Hindus in West Bengal under Mamata Banerjee is a diverse issue. However, there have been collective conflicts and brutality, the endeavors of the state government to advance solidarity and consideration are critical. Political rivalries and way of talking significantly affect the security issue, so it is vital to consider discernments on the ground and government activities unbiasedly.


In summary, in spite of difficulties, numerous Hindus in West Bengal continue to live calmly with different networks. Proceeded with government and local area endeavors are fundamental to maintaining and improving this attachment. The circumstance calls for proceeding with watchfulness, correspondence, and comprehensive intent to ensure security and prosperity, everything being equal.

I, Baishakhi Ghosh, currently pursuing Btech in IT department at KGEC. I had worked for IPAC as an Junior Researcher(Intern) and also experience in SBI Credit Cards. I've had an exposure of practical . . .

