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16-Oct-2023, Updated on 10/17/2023 6:21:45 AM
Science behind 14 lokas in hinduism
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TheHindu scriptures describe the 7 lokas beyond the earth as Bhu, Bhuva, Suva, Maha, Jana, Thapa, and Satya Loka. Every door leads to a higher level of loka/gate, and upon entering the 7th door, you arrive at Satya Loka, the dwelling place of Brahman or Lord Vishnu. All religions acknowledge the presence of GOD in this divine realm known as Moola, the origin.
The Geo-centric model forms the foundation of this ancient concept.
There are seven lokas beneath the earth known as Atala, Vitala, Sutala, Talatala, Maha tala, Rasatala loka, and Patala loka.
One possible explanation for the concept of seven heavens/gates could be the presence of seven ancient planetary systems arranged in a circumpolar manner within the Axis Mundi concept. We structure our lives according to a 7-day week because it aligns with the historical recognition of seven celestial bodies that exist above us. This arrangement of seven day structure is also present in the creation stories of the Greeks, Hinduism, the Book of Genesis, and other popular myths. During ancient times, people could observe seven celestial objects without the use of any instruments – namely, the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn.
The Axis Mundi, also known as Mount Meru or Lingam, is depicted in numerous ancient texts as the central axis around which the entire universe revolves. The Big Dipper, Draco, the Sun, Moon, and Stars humbly encircle the sacred Mount Meru or the Shishumara Planetary system in reverence. In the framework of Egyptian ideology. A clever comparison for the afterlife is using the concept of Circumpolar Stars, as they constantly revolve around the pole star without ever appearing to disappear below the horizon. These celestial bodies are everlasting, also known as the "Immortals" according to ancient Egyptian language, providing the ideal resting place for the deceased monarch's spirit.
The renowned ancient Indian astronomer, VārāhaMihira, in his works Pancha-Siddhāntikā and the Suryasiddhanta, designated the North Pole and the 'Navel of the Earth' as the sacred location of Meru.
Several famous Buddhist and Hindu temples have been constructed as symbolic representations of this mountain, while numerous legends have been connected with this sacred peak. According to Hindu Puranas, it is stated that the Gods dwell in the northern direction. Referring toLord Brahma's day and night, it is stated that one human year is equivalent to one day for him. This notion draws upon the concept that the North Pole experiences six months of continual sunlight, followed by six months of constant darkness, resulting in a year-long cycle of day and night.
Moreover, within Hindu customs, the swastika symbol (卐) is recognized as a representation of arms directed in a clockwise direction. In the search for the ancient Ramayana verse regarding 'Dhruvam serve Pradakshinam', it is mentioned that Dhruvam denotes the pole star, and the seven sages (Saptarishis) known as the Big Dipper carry out the Pradakshinam. The term "swastika" originates from the Sanskrit term "swasti." This word is formed via a combination of n
Om Purnamadah Purnamidam Purnat Purnamudachyate Purnasya Purnamadaya Purnameva Vashishyate
The strong connection between the physical Lokas and Dhyana yoga mind state allows for an enjoyable and limitless journey, transcending material boundaries.
The concept of the mind controlling the body implies... The body is influenced by the thoughts that the mind generates, whether they are positive or negative. If your mind is focused solely on a goal, your body must make sacrifices in order to align with it, regardless of good or bad outcomes. Therefore, your mind will not be burdened by the weight of any material object. The mind assimilates and encompasses everything.
In Satya Lok, both Brahma and Saraswati find their dwelling place.
The Loka can be reached by tapping into one's highest level of consciousness, engaging in pure actions through Dhyana yoga, avoiding any distractions from the material world and its influences.
This function is where the transformation of subtle bodies occurs, turning them into spiritual bodies.
The final destination of all spiritual beings is Vaikuntha Loka, located approximately 26,200,000 yojanas

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