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27-Sep-2023, Updated on 9/27/2023 10:14:49 PM
Is kota a suicide factory
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This is not something that has happened for the first time in Kota.Suicide has become synonymous with Kota in recent years. But no one cares, unless something more terrible happens.
With 2 suicides in 6 hours, people are now screaming for Kota but we all know this rage is only temporary... they can scream for a few days and then they get something new... and the students die again.
Well, I won't give you statistics on suicides...if you want statistics, just google them...dead people are not numbers to me.. .like cricket scores. I don't count the dead... because every life has value. It doesn't matter whether it is number 1 or any other number.
There are basically 2 reasons for suicide...
- Academic
- Non-academic
Academic -
Parents and society: It is the main cause of suicides… parents constantly pressure students to score on weekly tests and students cannot meet their expectations… immediately Even the students don't know what happened...why he did it like that. it is impossible to perform perfectly on the test. No one tries to understand the students… but everyone just pours their expectations onto the students.
And the real problem is this society... they care about everyone around them's children and have expectations of their own children. They know what the neighborhood kids are doing, except their son is smoking on the roof... that's how society works.
The majority of students belonging to U.P. and Bihar and those too are middle class. Therefore, from the beginning they have to bear the burden of fees and all other costs.
So, if they fail to meet the criteria of the weekly test, they will feel like they are wasting their family's hard-earned money.
One thing that keeps coming up over and over again is…
The main cause of most suicides. So, first of all, these coaches have designed these question papers with 1.5 to 2 times more durability than the original JEE question paper .
For what?????
Just to show their superiority over other organizations…. Their teachers want to prove that they know everything… they are gods of their respective subjects.
Different batches are also awarded based on weekly testing results. Top classes with more experienced teachers are provided for high scorers and amateur and useless teachers for low scorers…
In simple terms, it is their natural selection… survival of the fittest…
This is the next factor…. Distinguish….
Just like untouchables...they behave towards the rest of the students except their elite students.
Who are the excellent students?…
In fact, there are 100 to 150 students participating in each training session… in short, they are the livelihood of each training session. There is a separate batch for these students. Their elite students are segregated from other students. They think that their elite class will be corrupted if they come into contact with other ordinary students.
They are taught on a separate floor. Ordinary students are not even allowed on these floors.
They enjoy many benefits. They have elevators while normal students use the stairs to go up 5-6 floors. I'm talking about a specific training course… I don't want to name it.
If a normal student steps into the elevator... they ask for ID and then throw him out.
They only prioritize these elite students, and new students are the source of income.
They don't care about other normal students. The teachers' behavior is equally pitiful. Their main goal is to complete the program and in most cases, they do not even succeed. In fact, they could not meet the weekly testing schedule.
Coaching also has mentors… but they have no effect.
So there are factors like…. The pressure is enormous.
Competition neck to neck.
Bid age.
Need to constantly prove yourself. Family expectations must be met. You have to prove your worth over and over again. All of this forces the student to go into a long and dark tunnel. Some have reached the end of the tunnel... some have scattered somewhere in the darkness. Another (non-academic) reason could be failure in love and the consequences related to it… I could also describe them… but I don't want to, because that would lead to deviation from the main topic . It's all about Kota……
However, the government and local people need to understand that they are not just students... they are truly their masters, their gods... because their house functions only for these students.
Students are Kota's lifeline…. Without them, Kota is nothing more than a ruined city...even worse than a cemetery.
Yes, in addition to these career-related questions, there are many other things to consider.
1: Personal problems of girlfriend and boyfriend
2:- A girl meets a bad friend and gets pregnant. {2 cases in the last 3 months}
3:- being addicted to a certain type of drug/alcohol and then committing a crime leading to suicide.
And after all that, if a student dies…all they say is that he couldn't handle the pressure…. But is this the only reason?
I end this perspective with this question…

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