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Why Should Australia and India prepare for war with China?
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Indeed, this is true that India and Australia are preparing for war with china and their military relations with china is not good. Australia's security relationships in the Indian Ocean have remained underdeveloped despite concerns about China's ever-increasing influence.
As tensions continue to rise between China and its neighboring countries, including Australia and India, the question of whether a potential war is on the horizon is becoming increasingly pressing.
Both the countries are inclined towards securing their sharing ocean boundary with respect to war against china to show that they are defending themselves.
Australia's position as an ally to both nations gives it a unique perspective to understand the potential consequences of such a war. In this blog post, we will discuss why it is imperative for Australia and India to prepare for a possible military confrontation with China, analyzing various factors that make this scenario more likely than ever before.
The current state of affairs between Australia, India, and China is one of tension and mistrust. Australia and India have long been allies, but recent events have strained that relationship. In particular, Australia's decision to join the United States in imposing tariffs on Chinese goods has angered Beijing. As a result, China has been seeking to undermine Australia's position in the region by forging closer ties with India.
This has put Australia and India in a difficult position. On the one hand, they need to maintain their alliance in order to counterbalance China's growing power. On the other hand, they cannot afford to alienate China, which is an important trading partner for both countries.
The situation is made even more complicated by the fact that India and China are themselves engaged in a territorial dispute over the Himalayan region of Kashmir. This dispute occasionally erupts into violence, as it did most recently in February of this year.
Despite the fact that China's aggressive actions and territorial ambitions in the South China Sea pose a significant threat to the security and stability of the region. China's claims to sovereignty over the majority of the South China Sea, including disputed islands and maritime territories, have been met with resistance from other countries in the region, including Australia and India.
China has increasingly used its military to assert its claims and has engaged in aggressive behavior towards australia and india, including the construction of military bases on disputed islands.
With the growing concern, recently joe biden has announced that he will give nuclear-powered attack submarines to australia in order to modernize its fleet in light of growing concerns regarding China's influence in the Indo-Pacific.
Biden emphasized that the submarines are "nuclear powered, not nuclear armed," appearing to be sensitive to China's concerns about the deal.
Australia's relationship with China is much more recent, but no less complicated. Australia has traditionally been aligned with the United States, and this has led to some tension with China. In recent years, however, Australia has been seeking to improve its relations with China, and this has led to increased economic ties between the two countries.
India is tightening their belts to come up with war for a immediate solution in order to secure the island situated near sri lanka and also australia is approaching the same to secure their potential power by purchasing nuclear submarines from united states of america.
But now here is the catch : why war is a possibility between Australia, India, and China?
Firstly, the strategic rivalry between India and China has been escalating in recent years, with both countries regularly engaging in tense stand-offs and military manoeuvres in the Himalayas. Secondly, China has been rapidly expanding its military power and influence in the Indo-Pacific region, which is seen as a direct threat to Australia and Indian interests.
Finally, Beijing has been increasingly assertive in its diplomatic dealings with both Canberra and New Delhi, often resorting to threats and coercion. In light of these factors, it is clear that war is a very real possibility between these three countries.
The conflict would likely take the form of a regional war, fought primarily in the air and at sea. Australia and India have strong navies, but China’s is larger and more modern. The Chinese air force is also bigger and better equipped than either Indian or Australian forces.
That said, Australia and India would have some advantages. Both countries have close ties to the United States, which would provide military support in a conflict with China. Additionally, Australia and India have experience fighting wars against much larger militaries
Final words : The rising military tensions between Australia and India on one side and China on the other warrants serious consideration from both countries. While open war is still a remote possibility, there is no doubt that Australia and India must be prepared to address any aggression by China with an adequate response of their own. This means developing strong defense capabilities as well as maintaining diplomatic relations in order to find a peaceful resolution that benefits all parties involved
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