To follow or no follow! Blog commenting for backlinks


To follow or no follow! Blog commenting for backlinks

Playing text to speech

  • Blog commenting is a great way to get backlinks for your website. However, it's important to decide whether or not to follow the commenters. This article will explain why you should follow some commenters and why you should avoid following others. following commenters can help your website improve its search engine ranking. When a search engine sees that a website is commenting on other websites, it assumes that the website is knowledgeable and important.
  • One of the most popular methods for building backlinks is through blog commenting. However, there is a lot of debate on whether this method is still effective. In this article, we will discuss the pros and cons of using blog commenting for backlinks.
  • On the plus side, blog commenting can be a great way to build relationships with other bloggers in your niche. If you leave thoughtful and insightful comments, you will be able to make a good impression on the other bloggers. These relationships can lead to guest blogging opportunities, which can be very valuable in terms of building backlinks.

What is blog commenting?

  • When it comes to blog commenting, there is a lot of debate on whether or not to use the 'nofollow' tag. For those who don't know, the nofollow tag is used to tell search engines not to follow a certain link. So, if you have a blog and you don't want people to get backlinks from your site, you would use the nofollow tag.
  • There are a few reasons why people use the nofollow tag on their blogs. The first reason is because they don't want to give away free backlinks. If you have a blog with a lot of traffic, then you don't want to give away free backlinks to someone who is just leaving a comment. The second reason is because they don't want to get spam comments. If you don't have the nofollow tag, then you will probably get a lot of spam comments.

Should you follow or no follow when commenting on blogs?

  • When it comes to blog commenting, there are two schools of thought – should you follow or no follow when commenting on blogs? Let’s take a look at the pros and cons of each approach so you can make an informed decision.

Following vs. No Following

  • When you leave a comment on a blog, you have the option to leave a link back to your own website. If you choose to do this, you also have the option to set your link to “follow” or “no follow”. So, what’s the difference?
  • A “follow” link means that the link is valid and search engines will count it as a vote for your website. This can help your website rank higher in search results.
  • A “no follow” link means that the link is not valid and search engines will not count it as a vote for your website.

The Pros of Following

  • There are a few advantages to following when you leave comments on blogs:
  • It can help increase your website’s search engine ranking.
  • It can help increase the visibility of your website.

The Cons of Following

  • There are also a few disadvantages to following when you leave comments on blogs:
  • It can attract spam comments.
  • It can take up a lot of time

How to leave a comment on a blog

  • One of the most common questions I get from new bloggers is 'should I follow or no follow my comments?' 
  • The answer to this question is not a simple one and depends on a few factors. In this post, I'll share my thoughts on the matter and hopefully help you make a decision that works best for you and your blog.
  • First, let's start with a little bit of background on the no follow attribute. The no follow attribute is a value that can be added to HTML links to tell search engines not to count them as votes.


  • Blog commenting is a great way to get backlinks to your website. However, there are a few things you need to keep in mind when you are commenting on blogs.
  • First, make sure that you are commenting on relevant blogs. If you are commenting on a blog about dog grooming, then your comment should be about dog grooming. Don't try to promote your website about car parts in the comments section of the dog grooming blog.
  • Second, make sure that your comment is relevant and adds to the conversation. Don't just leave a comment that says 'great post' or 'I agree.' Leave a comment that adds to the discussion and shows that you have read and understood the blog post.
  • Finally, don't forget to include a link to your website in your comment. This is how you will get the backlink that you are looking for. Just make sure that your link is relevant to the discussion and that it is not a spammy link.
Written By
I am Drishan vig. I used to write blogs, articles, and stories in a way that entices the audience. I assure you that consistency, style, and tone must be met while writing the content. Working with th . . .

