A New Alternative to Outsourcing: The Extended team model?


A New Alternative to Outsourcing: The Extended team model?

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It would be wonderful to have a full staff in-house bench, but the cost would be prohibitive. A staff that is outsourced is cost-effective but is not reliable enough. Your requirements can be met by a local talent pool; but it is not easy to reel in a golden fish. Are you familiar with the predicaments described here? You're not alone! This problem with hiring has CEOs and CTOs of a significant number of startup companies racking their brains for an answer. Let's figure out a solution to this problem, shall we?

What Exactly Is an Extending Team Model, Also Known as an ETM?

The days are long gone when software development duties had to be delegated solely to in-house as well as offshore teams. Today, software can be developed anywhere in the world. Why? Because, thankfully, businesses in today's day and age are moving toward the establishment of successful connections inside the team there in the long-term perspective, which ultimately results in the delivery of greater products and the satisfaction of the requirements of all the parties concerned. Hunting for newer and much more effective solutions is contingent upon taking special care of products and the individuals who work on it. Among the latter is something known as an ETM (Extended team model).

What are the particular characteristics that set an Extended team model apart from the various other types of team models?

  1. The purpose of the extended team is to supplement an existing in-house team rather than serve as a replacement for it. Its primary purpose is to address the deficiencies in the main team's skill set while also enhancing the latter's overall potential. An enterprise tool (ET) is, to some extent, a component of the organisation, sharing the visions of the latter and being tailored to the requirements of the former.
  2. Extended team model, in contrast to virtual teams, are not disbanded once the project has been successfully finished. Due to the fact that they are designed to foster long-term habits of collaboration, the motivated members of the team do not feel that they have to divert their focus to any side initiatives.
  3. The duties and tasks for the project have been fairly distributed among all of the team members, both on-site and offshore. Because the people on the vendor's side is fully merged into a client's team and the partnership implies all stages of hiring, training, etc., the firm has complete control over the process. This allows the company to better serve its customers
  4. The company's project management team may finally take a deep breath now that they have been relieved of a significant portion of their management responsibilities and are free to concentrate on the matters that most require their attention. While doing so, they also are able to maintain control over the most important aspects and decisions.
  5. The hiring process for developers in the local area might take several months, and success also isn't guaranteed because the sacred site is never vacant as well as the big fish in the market may already have taken practically all of the most talented candidates. On the other hand, if you use an ETM, you may significantly speed up the process of putting together a team; in fact, it is possible that in just a few weeks you would be ready to proceed.
  6. The Extended team model can assist businesses in achieving considerable cost reductions. To begin, you select candidates from the pool of available international talent, which includes a diverse range of talents and rates. Second, because your labour relations are not designed to be based on a 'easy come, easy go' attitude, you won't have to spend as much effort and time in the future on endless training and recruiting. This will save you a lot of time and effort.
  7. There is a far better chance that the individuals of extended teams will get along with one another and form pleasant connections. We all know that people have the greatest ability to realise their full potential when they engage in activities that elicit a range of emotions. People start talking about what's important to them, and having a common vision for the organization's core objective is critical to its success.
  8. In the foregoing phrase, what does it mean when it says 'the further'? It is important to consider the prolonged maintenance and support on which you may rely once the project has been completed and put into operation. Another one of the perks that comes with working with a larger development team is the opportunity to obtain this reward.
  9. Whereas in traditional models of software engineering outsourcing, an offshore team has as little reliance on the home office as feasible, an Extended team model is constantly communicates with the original startup team. Throughout the entirety of the development process, they keep an open line of direct and constant communication. Tools that are appropriate for communication and managing projects play an important role in the process that is being described

When Should You Use the Model of the Extended Team?

Are you still debating whether or not to go with the Extended team model? When you wish to have a significant control over all company-wide procedures, when you seek to combine the team with company's internal processes, and then when you lack some critical capabilities in-house, this should be considered a safe decision.

If, on the other hand, you want to implement best practises and go beyond core strengths, if you are okay with assigning a significant weight of authority and responsibility outside, or if (this also happens) you have no IT department and staff at all, abiding to traditional techniques would likely meet your requirements. If you want to implement best practises and go beyond core competencies, click here.

What aspects should be prioritised while putting together a crew for an extended team? The possible pitfalls are very similar to those that you would encounter while engaging in traditional forms of outsourcing. This subject has been discussed briefly, and some solutions to the most prevalent problems that may arise have been provided. You are welcome to view it in this location.


In general, the Extended team model is usually very comfortable for all of the parties involved in the procedure: the company likes carrying the keys, the members of the team become accustomed to one another and establish emotional attachments with each other, both of which can't bring anything but benefits to the client in the long run, and the client also enjoys the fact that the company is in control of the project. The entire procedure is characterised by openness, adaptability, mutual trust, and high regard for individual contributions.


Written By
Ritesh Patil is the co-founder of Mobisoft Infotech that helps startups and enterprises in mobile technology. He loves technology, especially mobile technology. He’s an avid blogger and writes on the . . .

