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Why Coffee Cup Ads Could be Suitable for Small Businesses?
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Ambient media refers to the usage of publicity-grabbing events by utilizing contextual elements of the target groups. The placement of advertising in unusual and unexpected places often with unconventional methods and being first or only ad execution to do so. In-the-Hand ads leverages daily consumables as vehicles / ad spaces to trigger a surprise effect in the audience. These vehicles can be pizza boxes, drink coasters, prescription bags, coffee cups, dry cleaner hangers, door hangers.
Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional interactions in order to promote a product or service. The core principle of the guerrilla approach is to surprise consumers with unexpected activities in order to draw their attention to the advertising message. Surprise leads to a change in the cognitive activation.
Coffee Cup Ads: How does it work?
Coffee Cup Ads is a unconventional way to surprise your audience. The logo and message of the advertiser are printed on sleeves that protect coffee drinkers from hot coffee. The cup sleeves are distributed to the cafe stores. Specific targeting is provided with a in-house tool to profile the demographic profile and identify specific coffee venue addresses.
Coffee Cup Ads can not be ignored as the consumer will grab it in their hands
Each venue distributes approx. 2,500 coffee cups/month, generating a estimated total of 1.7M impressions. Think this as small moving billboard that your audience will grab and carry it forward. The coffee venues deliver in the hand of the consumer generating an impact up to 70% brand lift. Your advertisement can not be ignored as the consumer will grab it in their hands. On average, each coffee cup will provide 35 min of exposure. Coffee Cup Advertising provide an additional exposure to other viewers who are in the surrounding.
Why is Coffee Cup Ads Ads suitable for small businesses?
Coffee Cup Ads differs from other types of marketing because it places ads directly in the consumer’s hand. For many, this might seem like a low tech approach to go about advertising, especially in this day of digital communication, but the Coffee Cup Ads concept is surprising easy, inexpensive, and can garner a much higher return on investment than most of the tried and true methods of advertising.
With Coffee Cup Ads, marketers can consider it to be smaller and more portable billboards. The good news is that while consumers have to pass by a certain billboard in order to be influenced by it, this type of “billboard” is something that could be touched by consumers on a daily basis.
Coffee Sleeves ads can be delivered at home
The concerns over advertising costs existed already long before the emergence of COVID-19. Small businesses find the cost of mainstream advertising crushing. Guttmann explained in a Statista publication that the majority of small businesses in the United States in 2017 devoted less than 10,000 U.S. dollars to marketing activities. The demand for pocket-friendly advertising is not just a concern peculiar to SMEs, and it is easy to see that it is a need that will surpass the existence of COVID-19.
Now, imagine spending about $14,000-20,000/month on outdoor advertising and getting very low ROI. Compare this to spending the same amount of money on in-home focused advertising media. This is what we offer you at Adzze; an array of unique in-the-hand advertising strategies that place your brands in the hands of potential clients in their homes. Coffee sleeve advertising leverages the ad space on coffee cups that gets delivered to your audience.
The logo and message of the advertiser are printed on sleeves that protect coffee drinkers from hot coffee. The coffee cup ads are distributed to the coffee shops the advertiser selects. This tactics demonstrated improved assimilation of the advertising message since it places the brand in the hand of consumers. Each venue distributes approx. 2,500 coffee cups/month, generating an estimated total of 1.7M impressions. Think this as small moving billboard that the audience will grab and carry it forward. This tactics places the brand in the hand of consumers. The coffee venues deliver in the hand of the consumer generating an impact up to 70% brand lift. The advertisement cannot be ignored as the consumer will grab it in their hands. On average, each coffee cup will provide 35 min of exposure since the coffee cup ads provide an additional exposure to other viewers who are in the surrounding. Coffee sleeves can be creative tactics for small business and deliver better results than traditional billboards with high recall rates.
Coffee Cup Ads can be more intriguing than digital
Entrepreneurs can find themselves in a conundrum when it comes to identifying advertising ideas for small business. Typically don’t have the money needed for large campaigns and they have to spend more of their profit on advertising in the early stages of being in business in order to get noticed. Coffee Cup Ads could be an affordable advertising solution. Digital marketing is not always the right advertising option for small businesses. The attention span is very limited, users are loaded with all type of information, emails and social media posts. There are so many channels that small businesses might suffer in optimizing their reach to their clients.

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