What is Sanjeevani Booti?


What is Sanjeevani Booti?

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What is Sanjeevani Booti?
San Gibani is a blend of three herbs and modern Ayurveda speaks of mystical yet majestic healing properties. The herbal mixture, san Gilani, has been found to treat many conditions, from asthma to diabetes to gastrointestinal problems.

The word 'Sangibani Booti' or 'Sangibani Herb' from the story of Ramanaya is mentioned in Indian mythology. It worked when given the dose when Lord Hanuman was asked to find this herb to revive Lakshman on the battlefield. These days the question arises of whether spices still exist. If so, where do you grow it? What name are you known by? 

How useful is it?

Doctor: “Botanists, Ayurvedic doctors, and herb lovers seek this herb. To date, 17 factories have been designated to replace San Gilani. Some of these possible plants include Cressa Critica (coast cress), Selaginella, Desmothecum fimbriatus, Giloy, Melexis Acuminate, Mycrosylus Willichi, and Actiniopteris Radiata. After further screenings, three plants match Sanjeevani's description. Here are three herbs and their benefits described by Ayurvedic experts. 

Cretica Nursery (Relatives)
Cressa Critica, also known as Rudanti in Ayurveda, grows in brackish or stagnant waters in southern India. The fresh juice of this plant stimulates blood circulation and also has an analgesic effect. In addition, it is widely known as a plant that synthesizes complex organic compounds through photosynthesis and is used as a folk remedy for various diseases such as diabetes, peptic ulcer, asthma, intestinal worms, tonic, and aphrodisiac. It enriches the blood and is effective in constipation, leprosy, and urinary disorders. There is scientific evidence showing various biological functions such as antibacterial, antifungal, antitussive (reducing cough), and anti-cancer. 

Selaginella Bryopteris (Spike Moss) 

Another plant with Sanjeevani properties is Selaginella Bryopteris, also known as Spike Moss. It grows in the high mountains of the tropics. Selaginella is used for jaundice, urinary burns, sunstroke, and difficult childbirth. It is commonly used in Ayurveda to prevent and treat a variety of conditions such as spermuria (excessive involuntary ejaculation), sexually transmitted diseases, constipation, colitis, urinary tract infections, fever, epilepsy, vitiligo, vitamins, and cancer. It is also used as a tonic to strengthen weakness.

Desmotecum fimbriatus
A third plant, Desmothecum Fimbriatus, grows in the highlands. It is commonly used for fever, shortness of breath, and all respiratory ailments. “Of course one of these three plants is described in the literature as Sanjeeevani. The descriptions of plants in Ayurvedic literature are closer to bushes and coastal bulls,” he added.

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