What is PPC and how paid search marketing works
digital marketing

29-Aug-2022, Updated on 9/30/2024 6:33:56 AM

What is PPC and how paid search marketing works

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Search engine marketing known as PPC is a vital part of the digital marketing strategy for any business. There are several methods of PPC advertising. These include dynamic remarketing, keyword targeting, and pay-per-click. Choosing the right method for your business will help you make the most of your advertising budget. In addition to paying per click, you can also create themed advertising campaigns to target customers around a particular theme.


  • To make sure your marketing campaign is a success, it is important to understand how pay-per-click and how paid search marketing work. Paid search advertising uses keywords to generate results for your business. This means your ad will only appear when people search for keywords that are related to your product. You should research keywords that will generate the most click-through rates.
  • Choosing keywords is one of the most important parts of the paid search marketing process. You should choose long-tail keywords that are closely related to your products or services. These types of keywords tend to be less competitive and more specific. Having the right keywords can lead to positive results, especially if they generate a high CPC.

Dynamic remarketing

  • Dynamic remarketing in paid search marketing is a powerful paid search marketing strategy. It optimizes bids based on CPC and conversion rates and can work for all platforms. In addition, remarketing ads can be placed in various sizes and placements, and they are easy for Google to optimize. These ads are especially useful for businesses that have many products.
  • To set up dynamic remarketing, you need to create custom parameters on your website. These parameters will allow Google and Microsoft to recognize unique IDs in your feed. The item IDs in your feed must match the corresponding item IDs in your website schema. If they do not match, your ads will be irrelevant. You must also set up your event data parameters.


  • Paid search marketing and advertising can be very expensive. Paying $40 to $60 per click can quickly burn a hole in your marketing budget. To keep your costs under control, target long-tail keywords. Google Ads also has useful features such as an automatic bid strategy, formatting tools, and machine learning.
  • In PPC advertising, campaigns are divided into ad groups, each containing keywords and relevant ads. Keywords are the main components of PPC since they connect advertisers to users' searches. When used appropriately, they match users' search queries. Moreover, keywords can be more or less precise.
  • Generic keywords are not as targeted as branded ones. For example, if you are an optometrist selling glasses, don't use generic terms for your product, such as 'cloud computing.' While these keywords are less targeted, they can still produce high numbers of clicks. For a comprehensive approach to optimizing your paid search marketing campaigns, consider partnering with a specialized SaaS SEO agency. Their expertise in SaaS SEO can help you target the right keywords, improve your organic search visibility, and drive qualified traffic to your website.

Cost per click

  • Pay-per-click or CPC ads are the most common form of paid search advertising. These advertisements are placed on websites and cost the advertiser money for each click. Other forms of paid search advertising include CPM (cost per mille) and call-only ads. Call-only ads only cost the advertiser money when a visitor makes a phone call to the advertiser's phone number.
  • To lower your cost per click, you should focus on improving your average CPC. You can increase your average CPC by geo-targeting and adjusting your bids. If your conversion rate is low, you can use bid adjustments to boost your visibility.

Bidding process

  • Paid search marketing is a form of paid advertising where businesses place advertisements in a search engine. This type of advertising works by bidding, and bids refer to the amount of money an advertiser is willing to pay per successful search. A successful business will bid more, but may not have enough money to cover the entire cost of a successful ad campaign.
  • The first step in the bidding process is to determine your budget and your quality score. This will help you decide how much to bid per click or per thousand views. Google then compares your bids and arranges your advertisements in accordance with them. This process repeats itself until your budget is spent. Businesses with a larger budget will have a higher CPC than those with a smaller budget.
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