What is Period Acne and How to get rid of it?

20-Aug-2022, Updated on 8/22/2022 1:57:40 AM

What is Period Acne and How to get rid of it?

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What's worse than period cramps? Acne brings it! In addition to acne, it can cause mood swings, breast pain, and other symptoms related to PMS. 


What is menstrual acne?
Hormone levels change during the menstrual cycle. This can lead to acne during menstruation.

Before menstruation, the production of progesterone decreases and the level of estrogen (female sex hormones) increases. This can increase the petroleum production of the body. Excessive oil can blow pores and drain acne.


 Why do hormones change during menstruation?
A: They are responsible for the entire staging process. Hormonal fluctuations can also contribute to skin inflammation, which can lead to acne.

Estrogen and progesterone levels fluctuate, but the male hormone testosterone can trigger sebaceous gland activity. This can worsen acne symptoms.


Where does menstrual acne occur? 

Menstrual acne usually appears on the jawline and around the chin. Small (or large) cysts can appear at any time of the month. These cysts can be painful and cause more breakouts and infections if you try to pop them. Pulling or squeezing can leave a scar. 


Topical remedies for menstrual acne
Menstrual acne can cause more pain along with cramps. Here are some tips to soothe and reduce menstrual acne.

1. benzoyl peroxide
Topical benzoyl peroxide is available as creams and gels. Benzoyl peroxide has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that reduce swelling and redness 


2. Salicylic acid
Salicylic acid is an exfoliant and has anti-inflammatory properties. It removes the top layer of the skin and helps reduce acne symptoms (2).


3. Topical retinoids
This vitamin A derivative is widely used to treat mild to moderate acne. They have anti-inflammatory properties that help keep the skin clear 

Oral medications for menstrual acne
1. Contraceptives
Some birth control pills are effective in treating hormonal acne (4).


 2. Anti-androgens
Anti-androgen medications, such as flutamide, spironolactone, and cyproterone, regulate and reduce androgen levels in the body (5). High levels of androgens can contribute to excess oil production. This can cause acne. Note: For oral medications, consult a dermatologist.


Home remedies for menstrual acne

1. Tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is effective in reducing inflammation. It also has antibacterial properties that help reduce acne symptoms like redness and swelling (6). 


2. Turmeric
Turmeric has been used traditionally for many years as a treatment for many skin problems. Its anti-inflammatory properties improve acne symptoms such as redness, swelling, and pain (7).


3. Honey
Honey is a remedy used in several Ayurvedic products to treat a variety of skin problems. In addition to moisturizing, honey has antibacterial properties that kill acne-causing bacteria. honey in a jar

4. Warm compress
A warm compress will help remove the pus and reduce swelling. Apply to acne for 10-15 minutes daily.


5. Hot green tea bag
A warm green tea bag reduces inflammation. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that can be effective in reducing acne breakouts and bumps (8).


 6. Cold compress
Cold compresses can help reduce pain and swelling. Press on the acne for 5-10 minutes every day.


Does your acne need treatment?

 If you have irregular periods, it could be a sign of polycystic ovary syndrome. This is the time to go to the doctor. PCOS can cause:

irregular period
weight gain or loss
Excessive facial and body hair
hair thinning and hair loss
black spots on the neck and back
PCOS is unprecedented and can be controlled with the right medications.

Menstrual problems are real, but usually not serious. Regular exercise, healthy skincare, and a healthy diet can reduce menstrual stress.

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An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driv . . .

