Leading Causes of Weight Gain


Leading Causes of Weight Gain

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You can also start packing on the pounds if your thyroid, a small butterfly-shaped gland in your neck, stops producing enough hormones. It should also thin your hair, dry out your skin, and make you feel colder, tired, constipated, and even depressed. A simple blood test can confirm if your hormone levels are low and if synthetic hormones are helping you feel better.


 Weight benefits and even weight issues are some of the viable bodily size effects. People with this anger disorder regularly have better phases of the 'stress hormone' cortisol, which can also motivate you to collect fat around your stomach. Or you may be underweight because you feel too right to consume or exercise right. Some medications used to deal with the condition should do as a supplement. Talk to your doctor or a therapist if you feel depressed.

 insomnia disease

 People who are off for much less than 6 hours a night tend to have extra frame oil. About eight hours is the sugar point to maintain the load. Insomnia can motivate your body to produce excessive amounts of the hormones cortisol and insulin, which can put a strain on weight. It can also rub down hormones that signal hunger and crave foods that are particularly loaded with fat and sugar.


Less estrogen during menopause can put extra fat around your stomach. But much less hormone is not the best reason. Hot flashes sleep problems, and moodiness due to the peak of a woman's fertility can also be included in a healthy consumption and exercise style. If you're already sleep-deprived and depressed, you'll likely get a sweet bar instead of whipping up a nutritious meal. Your doctor can suggest ways to help with your symptoms.

 Cushing's Disease

Generally, cortisol allows you to keep your blood stress and blood sugar in a healthy range. However, when your adrenal glands produce excessive amounts of this tension hormone, it can load fast for your stomach and lower neck. You may have extra bruises and you may notice weaker, thinner limbs, a spherical face, and large pink cracks. Your medical doctor will try to find the cause and then deal with surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, or tablets to reduce cortisol.

 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

No one can inform a woman that she has this disease. You may also skip periods, have extra facial hair or rim, or get pimples. You may also develop cysts on your ovaries. It is caused by tons of male androgen hormones. You should also benefit from weight gain, as you are less sensitive to insulin, a hormone that allows your body to turn blood sugar into energy. Your doctor can help with stability or update hormones.


 Your doctor may call them corticosteroids. You can use them to treat asthma, some types of arthritis, and other conditions. The higher the dose and the longer you take steroids, the more likely they are to starve you! This can lead to overeating and weight gain. Talk to your doctor about how best to manage the side effects of your steroid treatment.

 Common Medicines

 Medicine can make you hungry. Second, it can slow the body's burning of calories and change the way the body absorbs nutrients. Some people keep their bodies in more water. Scientists may not know exactly why drugs cause weight gain. Common examples include oral contraceptives, antipsychotics, antidepressants, epilepsy, and beta-blockers (used to treat high blood pressure).

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An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driv . . .

