Is it safe to take Vitamin C when Pregnant?


Is it safe to take Vitamin C when Pregnant?

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Vitamin C is essential for a healthy immune system, and it also helps in the production of collagen in your tendons, bones, and skin during pregnancy. Eat citrus fruits and other vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables while pregnant to ensure adequate vitamin C levels. You usually do not need to take a vitamin C supplement because you can get enough vitamin C from your diet and your prenatal vitamins.

Why is Vitamin C so important during pregnancy?

Vitamin C is needed regularly by you and your baby to make a structural protein called collagen, which is found in cartilage, tendons, bones, and skin. Vitamin C is also needed to maintain a strong immune system.

Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is essential for tissue repair, wound healing, **** growth and repair, and skin health. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage and helps fight infection.

Vitamin C helps in absorbing iron, especially from vegetarian sources.

Fatigue, burning gums, slow healing of wounds, scratches, and dry skin are all symptoms of vitamin C deficiency.

How much vitamin C is recommended for pregnant women?

Pregnant women need more vitamin C than breastfeeding women and breastfeeding mothers need even more.

  • 80 mg (mg) per day for pregnant women under 18 years of age.
  • 85 mg per day for pregnant women 19 years and older
  • Women under the age of 18 who are breastfeeding should take 115 mg daily.
  • 120 mg per day when breastfeeding for women 19 years and older.
  • Women under 18 years of age who are not pregnant: 65 mg per day
  • 75 mg per day for pregnant women 19 years and older

  • Foods that are high in vitamin C during pregnancy

Citrus fruits come to mind first, because they are especially high in vitamin C, while leafy vegetables and many other fruits and vegetables are also good sources. Since heat lowers vitamin C, it is best to take it from fresh foods. Keep in mind that some whole grains and fluids are good sources of vitamin C.

Vitamin C can also help increase the amount of iron you get from other foods. (You need a lot of iron during pregnancy, and it's hard to get enough.) As a result, it is best to eat a diet high in vitamin C at every meal. This is especially true when consuming an iron-rich vegetarian diet such as beans, which also contain vitamin C.

Vitamin C is found in the following foods:

  • 93 mg in 6 oz. Orange juice
  • 70 mg grapefruit juice (6 oz)
  • 64 mg for medium ear
  • 60 mg: 1/2 cup sweet green bell peppers, green
  • 1 cup boiled broccoli: 51 mg
  • 1/2 cup sliced strawberries: 49 mg
  • 39 mg in 1/2 medium grapefruit
  • 17 mg for medium cooked potatoes
  • 17 mg in a raw medium tomato
  • 9 mg in 1 cup cooked spinach

Is it necessary to take a vitamin C supplement while pregnant?

In most cases, there is no need to take a special supplement. Vitamin C is easily obtained from fruits and vegetables and is also found in prenatal vitamins.

When you are pregnant, it is not advisable to take enough vitamin C. The maximum daily dose considered safe for women 18 years and younger is 1800 mg, while the maximum daily dose considered safe for women 19 years and older is 2000 mg. Vitamin C in high doses can cause stomach irritation and how these supplements affect pregnancy outcomes. More research is needed to find out.

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An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driv . . .

