How effective are diffrent types of Birth Control?


How effective are diffrent types of Birth Control?

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When it comes to choosing a birth control method, you have a lot of options. Some may be better for your habits or lifestyle than others, but the main problem is, what is the best way to prevent pregnancy?

The impact of certain birth control methods can have an impact on how well you use them. For example, if you take your birth control pill at the same time every day and never miss a dose (experts call it 'optimal use'), your chances of getting pregnant in a given year are about 1%. Is.

On the other hand, many people do not always use their birth control properly. They may forget to use it or sometimes have trouble using it properly. This is what experts call 'normal consumption'. Those who take the pills regularly have a 9 percent chance of getting pregnant in a year.

Here's how different types of birth control can be used effectively in terms of average consumption.

Highly effective

Tubal ligation: This operation, sometimes referred to as 'tube tying', closes the fallopian tubes, preventing the egg from reaching ****** and *****. This is the most effective method of birth control. After tubal ligation, your chances of getting pregnant are less than one in a hundred.

Vasectomy: Vasectomy is the removal of the part of the tube (called the vas deferens) that goes ***** to leave the body. As a result, a man produces during *********** ***** - free *****. ****** ***** The production continues, which is absorbed by the body. The chances of getting pregnant after a vasectomy are less than one in a hundred.

Rod: After your doctor places a toothpick-shaped rod (explain) under the skin of your upper arm, usually within the first five days of your period. Every day, the gadget produces enough progestin to prevent pregnancy for up to three years. It gives you a chance to get pregnant in the hundreds.

IUD (uterine device): An IUD (uterine device) is a small T-shaped device located inside the ******. Copper type (para guard) begins to work immediately to prevent pregnancy. It is 99 percent effective (less than 1 in 100 people who use it become pregnant each year) and has little effect on your normal hormonal cycle.

Hormonal IUDs: Hormones are released into your ****** through certain IUDs to help prevent pregnancy. It takes about 7 days for the hormonal IUD to start working after you receive it. This type of birth control causes one in every 100 people to become pregnant each year. If you decide to become pregnant, your doctor may remove the IUD (copper or hormone) at any time.


(Depo-Provera) Shot: In the first 5 to 7 days after your regular ************, your doctor will give you a progestin hormone injection. Every three months, you get one shot. Each fresh injection should be given within exactly 13 weeks, giving you less than a hundredth chance of getting pregnant the following year. However, because some people wait longer to take the second dose, your chances of getting pregnant in a given year are 6 out of 100.

The pill is a specific type of birth control that combines estrogen and progesterone supplements. In a normal year, 9 out of 100 people become pregnant. Used properly (at the same time every day) only 1 in 100 people will become pregnant in a given year. The optimal use for the less common 'minipill' is to take it every day (within an hour) at approximately the same time (s).

Patch: This is a small piece of transparent material that attaches to the bottom of your arm, shoulder blade, or abdomen and provides a balanced dose of estrogen and progesterone. It changes every week. In a normal year, your chances of getting pregnant are 9 out of 100.

Vaginal ring: This ring-shaped device (NuvaRing) fits inside ****** and delivers hormones (progesterone and estrogen) that prevent pregnancy by preventing the ovaries from producing eggs. The ring is intended to stay inside the body for three weeks before being replaced. For normal use, your chances of getting pregnant are 9 out of 100.

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An inquisitive individual with a great interest in the subjectivity of human experiences, behavior, and the complexity of the human mind. Enthusiased to learn, volunteer, and participate. Always driv . . .

