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What questions should you ask about Pregnancy to your Doctor
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Pregnancy questions to ask your doctor
When will my baby be born?
What factors can help determine my expiration date?
Prenatal Vitamins: What Are They and Why Do I Need Them?
What are your recommendations for prenatal vitamins?
I'm not sure if the symptoms I am experiencing are specific.
When should I consult a doctor?
I'm not sure how much weight I gained.
What are some of your easiest ways to get rid of Morning Sickness?
Can you give me a list of drugs that I am allowed to take and which I am not allowed to take?
What kind of exercise should I do and what should I eat?
Should I refrain from doing, doing, or eating anything while I am pregnant?
Is it safe for me to take **** during pregnancy?
Are there any genetic tests you think I should undergo based on my family history?
Am I more likely to have problems during my pregnancy?
How often do you want me to visit you?
Are there any additional experts I should consult?
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