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23-Jul-2021, Updated on 7/23/2021 7:17:33 AM
The Risky way to Studies in the U.S.
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The schools in the U.S. are now on the verge of opening in August 2021 and only about 30% of the teens are fully vaccinated. It is true because the teen population of the U.S. aged between 12-17 years has not been fully vaccinated yet. The vaccination drive will cover the adolescents who are unvaccinated in about 2 weeks from now, but right now, they will have to move to schools like that only with about 38% of the population being vaccinated by only the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.
The higher authorities have suggested that the vaccination drive needs to be rapid now to pressurize the teens for getting vaccinated before getting back to school. It is very difficult to get the public authorities and those carrying forward vaccination drive on the same page.
In May 2021, the vaccine drive among adolescents in the U.S. was going on the full swing but soon after the reports came of heart diseases in teens being linked to the COVID vaccine, the rate of vaccination declined in America. This gave a great blow to the vaccination drive.
Now again in June, the reports started floating that over 200 teens were hospitalized for COVID. Although there were no deaths, about 5% of them were admitted to I.C.U. for other problems related to COVID, and another 5% required invasive mechanical ventilation.
These data are enough for the public authorities to realize whether or not is it safe to let children out into the sea of death. If the schools reopen without proper vaccination of the students then it will not only have a catastrophic impact on the students but also their parents, siblings, followed by the major populations.
The education system in the U.S. has been on the haul for quite some time now, (since 2019 when the whole session was canceled) but the variability of the mutating virus has increased almost 10 folds since then. So before taking any big step like this, the government should consult the scientists and doctors as well as the guardians of the students if they are out of the risk zone or not.
Prevention is better than cure always.

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