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East India Company Vs Our Politics
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East India Company Vs Our Politics
Our country got independent on 15 august 1947 .Britishers ruled over 200 years .Many freedom fighter sacrifice their life for the dream of free India .Brithishers looted our resources and earn lots of revenue ,they know that it is impossible to rule India by weapons and power therefore they use the strategy of “divide and rule “.
Our vedic scriptures and upnishad were so powerful that they give direction to the world .They know it very well therefore their first step was to change the education system so that we india become tool for their purpose .Irony is we still using that education policy.At their time we had Politician like Gandhi ,Azad ,Nehru, Patel they did politics for the beneficiary of our country their every steps was motivated for independent .Thousand of politican passes whole their life in jail .
But today our politican are playing the role of East India Company,they are dividing us on the basis of cast ,gender and creed .Today instead of taking about better future we are fighting on mandir and masjid .Youth are commiting suicide beacause they don’t have job .we even suffer to enjoy our constitutional right .Every sector is effected by politics .We are taxed when we earn ,save and invest but we did not proper education ,roads and hospital .Politician hijack our country .they do politics to divide us .May be this condition is not going improve soon .Country like Sri Lanka and Bangldesh are performing better then us .illiterate citizens are our leader .we elect them and give them power .A common people who has good vision for our society wants to contribute something can not elect fight election because it become money game .Where corrupt and criminal person become our candidate .this condition needs to be change so that we move toward developed country

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