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What Are US President Election Debates ? - History & Importance
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The year was 1960 when the people of America (USA) saw and heard debates for the first time in the presidential election. In this debate, without makeup, Richard Nixon's sweat was seen while on the other side, young and excited John F Kennedy.
Historians believe that the Debate Broadcast on TV had greatly influenced the outcome of the US presidential election. Since then, what has been done and how much effect the debate has on the presidential election, research and studies were done on it.
In the first presidential debate in the US presidential election 2020, there have been reports of President Donald Trump having a lot of Kirkry and Joe Biden getting an edge over the debate.
It is certain that this debate that takes place before the presidential election has a great impact on the minds and opinions of the voters. But in what way? Before the necessary details about this, you should know that what is this debate in the process of presidential elections in America.
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What is Presidential Debate?
In the US, the two most prominent candidates that emerge during the presidential election process have a discussion and debate on many issues between them, which helps to understand the perspective of both the country and world policies. This debate has been between the Democratic Party and the Republican Party candidates for some time. Some specific information related to this debate are as follows:
-In the debate, the most controversial, popular, and important issues of the time are debated.
-The provision of debit is not mandatory under the constitution but now it is considered an internal and important process of elections.
-The main goal of the debate is to make an understanding of candidates, who are early voters or unknown to the candidates.
-The turn of the debate comes in the last phase of the election process.
- Debate has been conducted by one or a few journalists together, and sometimes the public is also asking questions.
-Debate first aired on TV in 1960. Since then, debates have been broadcast on TV and radio and have also been on the web for some time.
-In 2016, a debate between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton was viewed by a record 8.4 million people, excluding viewership for online streaming.
Was Lincoln started?
Abraham Lincoln, one of America's most prominent presidents, debated seven times with his rival Stephen Douglas when he contested the presidential election. These dialogues were later known as Lincoln-Douglas Debates.
In modern times, this practice is considered the role of Presidential Debate. From this, it was understood that the candidates for the presidential election should bring their ideas, views, and criticisms to the public.
The political pundits and analysts have held different views regarding the importance of these debates. A section believes that in modern times, instead of making meaningful debates on the debate policy and principles, the media has become a platform to make media a weapon and express differences and differences.
What the voters are able to hear in some rallies and election campaigns, the same is repeated in these debates. This class questions the usefulness of these debates. But, there is another side to it.
A section of analysts considers these debates to be a very important process. Apart from these, the Pew Research Center has been continuously researching about their usefulness and impact. Research has found that nearly two-thirds of voters have believed that these debates have been useful in some way or some other way to decide which candidate to vote for. This does not mean that only debates are a part of the election process, which determines the minds of the voters.
It is a statistic that Debate's viewership has declined over the years, but there have been occasions in the modern history of the US presidential election when debates have made a significant impact on election results. It is also interesting to know about some such occasions.

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