How Political Parties Conduct When Election Announcement Occurs


How Political Parties Conduct When Election Announcement Occurs

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Enthusiasts are strong about Bihar elections. Along with the meetings, plans for rallies and meetings are being made. Due to Covid-19, there is also a discussion about how they will be executed in return.

Do the rallies go virtual or as usual as before? However, whatever they may be, one has to follow the Code of Conduct, what to speak, how, and how to behave. In a state, when the Election Commission announces the election in a state, a code of conduct is decided for political parties.

No party or candidate can make rhetoric that can further aggravate the tension already created between castes, communities or sects, etc. or incite mutual hatred. This is considered a violation of the Electoral Code of Conduct.

Many more standards have been set, which can be known as the code of conduct. In such an electoral environment, you can criticize the opposition party or leader on his work, policy, or past record, not about personal life. 

While criticizing the opponents, parties and candidates should take care to avoid making allegations based on unproven facts. Also, an appeal cannot be made on the basis of caste or creed for the vote. Religious places such as temples, mosques, churches cannot be used for electoral propaganda. 

No party or candidate can do any such work, which comes under the purview of corruption under election-related laws. Work like enticing voters, distributing any money or gifts to them is prohibited. You cannot campaign in a radius of 100 meters from the polling station. The facility to bring voters to polling booths is also under the purview of corruption. 

No pressure can be made in a voter's personal life to vote for him. It is not the right of the party or candidate to use a person's personal property for electoral activities without his or her consent. That is, no party or candidate can place their flag, banner, or poster on anyone's private property without permission. 

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It is important to remember that no political party or candidate should disturb the election procession or procession of another party or candidate. Workers or supporters of one party cannot obstruct the election campaign of another party.

During the election campaign, there should be no confrontation, so the other party cannot perform their procession, etc. at or near the meeting place of one party. 

If a party or candidate wants to conduct a meeting, rally, procession or any other kind of public event related to his election campaign, then he has to take permissions under a procedure.

That is, this cannot be done without the prior approval of the police and the administration. Loudspeakers have to be licensed in advance. Also, the program has to be done within the fixed or approved route, location, and timelines. 

Police and administration are requested for prior information and help in terms of traffic and security systems. After this approval, the party or candidate can do any activity. Secondly, if two or more parties come to the procession or assembly etc. at the same time and at the same place or route, then the pre-determined rules have to be followed so that there is no conflict or tension. 

This Code of Conduct is in force immediately after the announcement of the election till the completion of the election. That is, on the day of voting and for booths or polling stations fixed for voting, the complete code of conduct is there.

No activity like wooing voters can be done around booths or after the deadline for election campaigning is over. There can be no hindrance to the government employees posted on electoral duty, machinery, and things involved in the voting process. 

There is a detailed mention of the code of conduct on the website of the Election Commission of India. Failure to abide by this complete code of conduct can be taken against the concerned party or candidate from disciplinary action to punitive action. The Election Commission can take this action and the doors of the courts can also be knocked if needed.

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I am a content writter !

