Best Ayurveda Remedies For Throat Problems


Best Ayurveda Remedies For Throat Problems

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If there is any kind of throat problem, then you feel uncomfortable the whole time. Allergy or flu often results in a sore throat and pain. Some people are allergic to sweet or milk-curd and a sore throat starts as soon as they are consumed.

At the same time, soreness increases with the changing of seasons. At times, eating and drinking is also difficult. Sometimes the wrong food also worsens the throat. Eating too sour or consuming cold things also causes problems in the throat. 

Doctors say that the best remedy for sore throat or pain is in Ayurveda. You can get rid of the trouble by adopting these home remedies of Ayurveda. If there is a sore throat, go to the doctor, but if the sore is low or mild, then this problem can also be overcome with home remedies. 

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To get relief from sore throat and pain, use licorice in water to gargle. The aspirin properties present in licorice are enough to relieve this problem. However, pregnant and lactating women should not do this home remedy. 


Cinnamon present in every home kitchen is used to enhance the taste of food, but this spice also has many medicinal properties. Cinnamon has also been used for many years in Ayurvedic medicine. Cinnamon is the best antioxidant after cloves. It also has antibacterial properties. Use of it in cold-catarrh and flu relieves throat problems. Putting it in almond milk and drinking it will provide relief in sore throat. 


Honey is considered very beneficial for health and has many medicinal properties. Honey has also been given an important place in Ayurveda due to its medicinal properties. It is used to relieve sore throat by mixing it with other ingredients. It relieves pain and helps fight infection. Mixing one tablespoon of honey in lukewarm water every day is beneficial for the throat. 


Drink ginger tea daily to get rid of problems like sore throat, burning sensation, pain. Ginger is a natural analgesic and pain reliever, so it is used to soothe throat pain and irritation. It also helps in reducing cough. 


To kill throat bacteria, add salt in lukewarm water and gargle. This will give a lot of relief in sore throat. Mix one teaspoon of salt in a glass of lukewarm water and take a sip in the mouth. Gargle with it for ten seconds and spit water. Repeat this process two to three times a day. It is also an effective way to relieve sore throat.

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