Astronomers Find Earth Look Alike "Pi-Earth'' Exoplanet


Astronomers Find Earth Look Alike "Pi-Earth'' Exoplanet

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Astronomers find many types of exoplanet outside our Solar System. Like many shapes, some are special and some attract attention due to their different characteristics. But this time the extraterrestrial discovery has a very interesting relationship with Mathematics. This planet is like the size of the Earth, but its time to orbit its sun has made it interesting. It revolves around its sun in only 3.14 days.

Pie value 

Located about 186 light-years away, it is a special feature of the outer planet that the time of its orbit is around the value of the constant constants of mathematics. In mathematical calculations, the nearest value of pie is used 3.14 and this is also the time of the planet's orbit, so astronomers who have discovered this planet have given the name of the planet as Pai, while its official name is K2-315b. 

What happens pie 

In mathematics, the pie is measured by the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. This is a constant amount. This means that the ratio of any size circle with its diameter will always be the same, and students at the school level use the value 3.14, which is its approximate value and not the exact value. 

How this planet was discovered 

Astronomers had been eyeing this star for a long time when the Kepler Suppress Telescope was on its second expedition in 2017. This planet of smaller, less bright red dwarf stars is only 20 percent of its Sun in size. Kepler found that this star blurred twenty times at regular intervals. This is the main method of finding outgroups. 

The brightness of stars in this way means that the planet is coming in the line between the stars and us, which is called a transit.

This transit is revealed as a slight change in the brightness of the starlight. But once the brightness has faded, researchers do not believe that the presence of outer space is confirmed.

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Why scientists with 100 billion sun black holes are very hopeful of the telescope network. Studied it with a telescope network named SPECULOOS. Speculum' telescopes search for Earth-sized outstations around faded glowing dwarf stars. This study of the researchers has been published in the Astronomical Journal. 

After observing the K2-315, the team saw the brightness fade three times and studied its star spectrum with the HIRES device of the WM Cake Observatory. The size of this planet was also known that it is 95 percent of the size of the Earth. 

Researchers found that the brightness fade rate was equal to the time of 3.14 days that Kepler had observed three years earlier. At the same time, the star spectrum also confirmed that the brightness was due to the passing of the planet. Researchers have named the planet Pai Earth because of the pie value of the planet's orbit and its shape is similar to that of the Earth.

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