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Has Pakistan Controlled Corona Pandemic ?
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Coronavirus is still a major problem in many places in the world. Particularly in densely populated and impoverished South Asia, there are stiff fighting conditions to overcome Covid 19.
The total corona cases in India, the largest country in South Asia (Corona Cases in India), has been more than 5 million and the number of new cases daily has crossed 80,000 in the last few days. In such a situation, the number of new cases (Corona Cases in Pakistan) in Pakistan has been reduced from 400 to 500.
Experts were assuming that Pakistan will have around 80 thousand Corona deaths by August, with worse health facilities and a population of around 22 crores, but the total number of cases in Pakistan is just over 3 lakhs and 6389 deaths in India. There are far fewer than 82 thousand deaths. How did this happen? The experts have nothing but surprise. What tricks did Pakistan succeed in controlling the coronavirus? Or is there something else? Look
In poverty and dense settlements, people live in closed and small places under the system of living with many generations, then there is a possibility of corona outbreak. How did Corona come under control despite this happening in Pakistan?
Pakistan has concocted theories in response to this question. In the past, Pakistan has failed on the front of infectious diseases like polio, tuberculosis, hepatitis, so its claims in the corona case deserve attention.
The latest number related to the infection has been mentioned above, now consider a little detail. In mid-June, most new cases were seen daily in Pakistan. There were more than 6800 cases a day on the peak, but after June 20, the number of consecutive cases seems to be decreasing. Since the beginning of August, the number of new cases per day was reduced to less than 1000.
According to the Pakistan Health Ministry, till this week last Monday, 1,32,084 cases were reported in Sindh, 97,760 in Punjab, 36,992 in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, 15,941 in Islamabad, 13,595 in Balochistan, 13,227 in Gilgit-Baltistan, and 2,481 cases in PoK. Yesterday i.e. Tuesday, there were only about six thousand active cases in Pakistan. Now see what steps have been taken in Pakistan regarding Corona.
Could this be a reason? The average age of citizens in Pakistan is 22 years, while the average age of Italy is 46.5. There were about 7 thousand corona deaths in Pakistan while in Italy more than 35 thousand.
At the same time, the average age of India is 26 years, where more than 82 thousand deaths occurred. Statistics show that the average age of the countries most affected by Kovid 19 ranged between 35 and 45.
The most important reason given by Pakistan's Imran Khan government to overcome the corona is the smart lockdown. That is, instead of completely shutting down the entire country or an entire state, small areas were closed, where there was a possibility of an outbreak.
A Pakistani minister, Asad Omar, was quoted as saying that Pakistan is also implementing the Micro Smart Lockdown Scheme. Now the question is whether Pakistan succeeded by these steps or there are some other hidden reasons.
This is a big game. Experts agree, but Pakistan continues to deny that low testing is the reason for low numbers. In the last week of August, the positive test rate in Pakistan was 2.09 percent, while the World Health Organization has declared 5 percent as the standard. On the other hand, according to the data, India had done more than 50 million tests till last week, whereas in Pakistan only around 30 lakh tests were done.
Compared to Western countries, many countries in South Asia are far behind in terms of per capita test. Due to this very low in Pakistan and Bangladesh, the number of positive cases was also low here.
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Statistics are also that there are 1400 tests per 10 lakh people in Pakistan, whereas in India, more than 3700 tests have been done. According to the WHO, if a corona case is found on 20 tests, then the situation is considered under control, while every 8th person in Pakistan is found corona infected and every 11th in India.
A serosurvey was conducted in July in collaboration with the WHO in Pakistan, which found that 89 percent of Pakistanis were at risk, while only 11 percent had antibodies developed. Similarly, the same situation was found in India in the survey that the actual corona cases may be more than the numbers coming out. After this, a DW report said that half the number of cases were reported under government orders in Pak Punjab.
The direct meaning of this news was that Pakistan released 'deliberately inaccurate figures' and questions were raised about the veracity of its official figures. After this game of 'misreporting' has been busted, all claims of Corona control in Pakistan are considered false.
After all, after all this analysis, it is important to note that by looking at the government data in Pakistan, experts are also assuming that the second wave of the pandemic in Pakistan can knock and dangerously. Pakistan is being told to be alert and ready.
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