Elon Musk's Future Plan Is Linking Human Brain With Computer


Elon Musk's Future Plan Is Linking Human Brain With Computer

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Elon Musk is very famous for thinking about his future. Musk, one of the world's largest billionaires, owns companies such as Tesla and SpaceX, which is planning and working on building a human settlement up to the moon and Mars.

Recently, Musk has announced new research by his startup Neuralink, under which he plans to connect the computer directly to the brain.

Musk explained his plan in which he wants to connect the brain to the computer. They are describing this campaign as a human's attempt at life with Artificial Intelligence (AI). He said that the first prototype could be implanted in humans by the end of next year. 

At the California Academy of Sciences in San Francisco, Musk said it may take time to reach the full goal.

He also said that government approval would be a difficult task to apply neural devices to humans. He told that in this case experiments are being done on animals and a monkey has also succeeded in controlling the computer through his brain. 

Musk founded Neuralink Corp in July 2016. His aim then was to create ultra-high bandwidth brain-machine interfaces that could connect humans and computers. The company said in 2017 that one of their initial goals included creating brain interfaces that could help with serious medical conditions. 

Largely since then, Musk is believed to be thinking of doing something very big. In the past, he has warned many times about the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence. They have said that there is a danger of throwing humanity into the dust. They have even called it a threat to the existence of humans. 

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Musk said that one of the goals of Neuralink is to correct the disorders of the brain. He said, "We can fix it with only one chip. Along with this, he also said that it will help you to protect and improve your own mind and also a better future. ” 

Musk said earlier that with the rapid development of Artificial Intelligence, there is a risk that humanity can be left behind. But he also hoped that this will not happen. He said that hopefully, it will be a good environment. 

Musk said that for this, the brain will have to merge with the brain and artificial intelligence (Merge). Most likely, a small wireless chip will be inserted inside the brain's two millimeters. It will be a kind of Artificial Intelligence and Symbiosis of life, which aims to save humanity from AI civilization in the future. Musk considers the bandwidth the biggest technical hurdle in this case.

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