The Ultimate Guide to Become a Successful Blogger
blogging tips

01-Sep-2020, Updated on 9/1/2020 2:37:56 AM

The Ultimate Guide to Become a Successful Blogger

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It's crucial for any business to share their views. If you have come this far about the knowledge of blogging, it is because you either have a blog or are thinking of getting started in this exciting world. But first, let's see how it can help you professionally and personally to sit down to write an article every weekend without knowing if someone will be behind the screen willing to read and share it.

Curriculum. There is not any better way to expose your knowledge and experience than through articles where, with total freedom, you can share your experience with other users interested in them. If you have a blog, forget about the CV in pdf. Your blog is your best business card.

Personal brand. Building a personal brand will be the best way to differentiate ourselves from other professionals, be visible to companies, position ourselves as experts and go from "looking for work" to "being sued" ·.

Economic benefits. You will not be going to get rich overnight. If you intend, better dedicate it to something else. But if you are constant, little by little, you will see how it brings you economic benefits. How? If you keep reading, I'll explain it to you.


 We saw different formulas to get ideas to write a post. Today we are going to remember the most interesting ones and add some new ones. These are:

Google Analytics. What are the articles that work best? Observe in your web analytics, which are the articles that generate the most visits. Possibly 80% of your traffic comes exclusively from no more than four articles. And based on them, write new articles that complement those posts.

SEO positioning. Do you need to push a keyword? If, for SEO reasons, you are interested in promoting a specific keyword, write different articles where you can work on said keyword from different approaches.

Always respond to the most frequent comments or questions. If you regularly participate in forums in your sector, in addition to improving your brand, you will detect which are the topics that generate the most interest.

Ask your social networks. Your blog is designed for your community, and it is on your social networks. Ask them what topics are bothering them, what they want you to talk about, or what kind of topics they would like to know more about. On-demand content always works. They are waiting for you!

Train yourself. In any professional field, you must always be aware of the news in your sector. Subscribe to similar or trending blogs, attend seminars, conferences, online courses, read books. Surely all of this will give you new ideas for your blog.

Go for a walk with your dog. Often, the best ideas come when our mind is relaxed, and we allow it to "think." A walk with your dog, an early morning shower, or a traffic jam is often an exceptional inspiration source.


We must vary the type of content on our blog. Your visits will find it much more enjoyable. I will comment on some of the most common. If you want to add any more, you can do it as a comment.

Listings or checklist. We are talking about compilation lists that, accompanied by "you didn't know" type phrases, capture your audience's interest. An example: "50 social media tricks to improve your online marketing ". It is important to consider the number on the list: 3, 5, 10, 25, 50 ... "Round" numbers. Don't stay at 23 or 37.

How to or "How ..." These are articles that provide a solution. The important thing is that we explain in detail how to do what we promise step by step. It is important to review this type of content from time to time, as it is very likely that things have changed over time. Also, keep in mind that users often use the "How to…" formula to search for content—an example: How to run sweepstakes or promotions on the Facebook wall.

Collaborative articles. This article refers to those posts where different relevant authors contribute their point of view on a topic. This formula is interesting to make yourself known, as the collaborators will help you make it viral on social networks. And you, in return, provide them with a quality link to their site. An example: 8 social media experts explain how to generate engagement in social networks.

Tips or tricks. It is not about explaining how to do something, but about telling a particularity of a video game, a social network, or a kitchen that your readers may not have known about. They will help you position yourself as an expert on your topic.

Studies. A good recurring content analyzes the analysis of trend studies or research about your field. Do not limit yourself to copy and paste the press release that the source has released to the media. Read the study carefully and draw your conclusions. Your readers expect your critical insight.

Opinion articles. Why not give your opinion on some aspects of your theme? Some news or problems in your sector can be the perfect excuse to write an opinion article and start an interesting conversation on your blog and social networks.

Guest Posts. Guest posts are contributions from other professional bloggers to your blog. It is a win-win strategy. You win a quality article with which to offer content of interest to your community, and the author benefits from the visibility of your blog to make himself known. Many times this technique is used to generate link building.

Series of posts. If a topic gives a lot of its own, instead of writing a 4,000-word article, choose to create several serial posts: (I), (II), and (and III). This will generate interest and increase the time of visits to your blog, and this Google likes.

Guides or manuals. The extended version of the "How to ..." Its length must be greater, and it must explain, in detail, using images and graphics, how to perform a task, for example, "how to plan a Facebook Ads advertising campaign step by step.”

Videos. If your thing is not writing, it is more to speak in front of the camera. Yours is the video-blog. Here the content is your embedded video from YouTube - never upload it directly -. However, it is convenient to add the video’s transcription in the article itself to improve its positioning.


Before starting to write, create the content plan, where you establish the post's objective, the keyword that you are going to work on, the topic to be discussed the most, and possible headlines.

What is the purpose of the article? There are several objectives that we can set before writing a post. Improve the SEO positioning of a keyword, generate visits, increase the number of subscribers, generate quality links in other blogs, generate branding, obtain income… these are just some of them. Being able to set ourselves different objectives, as long as they are measurable and achievable.

What keywords are we going to work on? In every article, one or more keywords must be used. After deciding the objective, the decision you have to make before facing the blank post. First, make sure that those keywords have enough search volume and do not have high competition. Focus on the long-tail keywords that can be more profitable for you. 

Minimum length: 1,200 - 2,000 words. Don't be afraid to write. The greater the length, the better the positioning, as long as it is valuable content. Suppose you have nothing to tell, better not write anything.

Includes links to other sites with greater authority. To enrich your article, refer to other articles of greater authority, link them, and inform their authors about it. They will surely thank you for sharing the article on their networks!

Includes optimized images and videos. Conveniently, you complement the articles with images, infographics, or, if possible, videos. How? Make sure that the image is the necessary size and that it weighs as little as possible. It is also important that both the file and the alt tag describe the image. Suppose you opt for video, the better.

Encourage users to generate content. They are key to positioning! The comments on a post will help you keep the publication up to date and improve its positioning.

Titles that arouse interest and hook words. A good headline will be key for users to click on your publication in your social networks or the search results. There are some terms ("… in just 2 steps", "definitive," "eatwoily," "… what they have never told you before", "Beginner's guide"… ) always work. But beware, don't disappoint. What you promise in the headline, you must offer in the article.

Create internal links in the article itself. A good internal link structure is key to improving the positioning of your website. Link the items together so that the juice between them. But be careful, don't go crazy inserting links.

Create highlights to share on Twitter. The body of the article must include highlights. Headlines that are attractive and encourage users to share it on Twitter. One plugin for this is "Click to tweet". This will make it easier."or users to visualize it.

Work the headings properly. You must structure the content according to its importance using H1, H2, H3… The Google spider likes it. It allows you to better understand the coto understand the content better user experience.

I will give you more interesting views about Blogging. Stay Tuned

Written By
A blogger who's ready to innovate and plan new campaign and brand communication strategies. A pro at managing all kinds of crises. Technology savvy and able to communicate with the target audience thr . . .

