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Blacks Being Attacked In Furious USA
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Furious, nationwide demonstrations of blacks in America battling the Corona epidemic have created a new problem. The death of a black man named George Floyd at the hands of the police in broad daylight is at the root of these protests.
There is hardly any direct connection to Corona, but the reason for the resentment against it is that the black population has to pay the price for deep penetration bias in the US police-administration.
When the outbreak of Coronavirus started spreading, it was called 'The Great Equalizer'. That is, the virus does not differentiate between rich and poor. But experience gradually falsified this notion. It also hit the weakest sections of America, in which the majority of blacks.
The proportion of blacks to deaths from Corona is more than two and a half times that of the white population. The death toll in whites is 20.7 per lakh, while it is found to be 50.3 in the black population.
There are many reasons for this. One is that most black people have their livelihood off the road where they are more likely to get infected. Secondly, their living condition and diet is not such that their body can resist enough from the disease. Thirdly, they are unable to arrange the required amount of time to go to the hospital and it is late till the treatment starts.
Naturally, in situations like epidemics, the hope and need for relief from the government is the most. The hopelessness that comes from breaking this expectation leads them to protests everywhere, which also leads to additional police beatings. In any democratic society, politics can only be the tool to change these conditions decisively. But like many other countries of the world, the situation in America has also become such that a part of electoral politics is showing its advantage in the intense struggle of weaker sections.
Presumably,this is the reason why in the wake of these demonstrations President Trump's initial statements were not such that would have comforted the hurt feelings of the protesters. On the contrary, his tweets fueled the sentiment that the protesters came to the White House and the precautionary president had to be taken to a safe bunker in the White House.
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Trump's political advisers may find that the increasing insecurity among ordinary Americans will increase their votes due to the stark demonstrations of about 12 percent of the black population, but that inclusive politics in a democratic society ultimately goes far.
This understanding was hinted at by Trump's rival and Democratic candidate Joseph Biden in an initiative in which he spoke to George Floyd's family and talked about furthering the dialogue process with the protesters. Such an initiative from the government is also necessary.

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