Is It Difficult To Just Say 'NO' !!!
social issues

25-Jan-2020, Updated on 12/20/2022 4:26:50 AM

Is It Difficult To Just Say 'NO' !!!

Playing text to speech

'NO', is such a little word, yet wow is it difficult to gag out in certain moments? Some individuals say 'No' so effectively. The individuals who tend to it would be ideal if you in any case, consequently say 'Yes' to whatever another person needs. In case you are that 'Yes' person, then this is high time for you to learn a new skill of saying 'No'.

Is It Difficult To Just Say NO


If I ask you, why do some people feel it is very difficult to say no in a particular situation? I guess that most of you will say that, one might feel agitated and dejected by your negative response, regardless of whether a kid or a co-worker, will feel dismissed or accept it as a personal offense. However, few might say that they do not want to be a wet blanket. Most probably, saying no works up seriously negative feelings, humiliation, and blame, and to stay away from those emotions, we frequently agree with others by saying yes in any event, even if it conflicts with our opinion.

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At the point when you are lacking the ability to say no almost all the time, then you wind up finding a good pace where you have such a large number of activities, yet the greater part of them don't have a genuine incentive for you and your life. In uttermost cases, this can pave the way to a sentiment of uselessness and a level of strain that is as high as gratuitous.

Is It Difficult To Just Say NO

Nevertheless, on the off chance that saying 'no' isn't normal for you, you're a grateful person. You don't like to frustrate people, hurt their sentiments, or be inconsiderate. Nothing amiss with that. Undoubtedly, we need much more of such people in this society. However, affability and habits are significant. Thus, on the off chance that you wish to figure out how to say 'no,' it encourages you can to say it in a manner that agrees with your character.

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I am not asking you to say 'No' to everyone who asks you for a favor or puts their point of view to you. It is just that, you have to be very generous and polite while denying to those who actually do not fit in your opinion frame. Saying yes is not always a solution but stating no can be a formula for the problem. By doing so, you can still be in charge of your own priorities.

Written By
I write because I love to.

