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Why is Walmart Leaving India?
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Walmart is leaving India! While it might be good news for the swadeshi protectionist nationalist groups but it is certainly bad news for the ultra capitalists and pro-corporate people who always wished day and night that the biggest company in the world would arrive in India with a bang, obviously after the acquisition of Flipkart which is a now, it's owned subsidiary after the exit of it's founders Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal.
Now in a major move, Walmart has gone trending since announcing the removal of top executives in India which indicates it's plan of action to wind up physical presence in India.
The sacked Indian executives include the vice presidents across the sourcing, agri-business, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) and also the important real estate team which was responsible for finding the new store locations has been disbanded.
Walmart which is based in Bentonville, Arkansas, United States of America does not simply see any future with its physical business operations in India, the country which is the biggest commercial marketplace in the world.
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So Walmart is not leaving India fully but only in physical aspect whereas maintaining it's online dominating presence alive. After a hard-fought, the dilemmatic and harsh struggle of more than a decade we can see the existing Walmart stores either shut down or being taken over by others or being run in a joint-venture.
So the question arrives on the asking dashboard of our minds - Why the hell is Walmart leaving India when everything was not so bad for it? So there are broadly two reasons for it. On the government, the policy framework stymied the world commerce brands like Walmart and Amazon which certainly paved the way for its exit and support the local businesses kiranas at every step.
The second ultimate reason is the political pressure which is now forcing the government to restrict the online e-commerce platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, HomeShop 18 which means nothing less than the promotional schemes, FDI rebates, the pro-investment atmosphere will come to an end or temporary halt.
So as every news story or event has it's negative as well as positive consequences, we shall be able to see, observe and evaluate this in the case of Walmart's physical exit from India. For now, Walmart is planning to restructure itself in order for a new plan for action to capture the Indian market where monopoly is far from achievable as a common man still visits a local ration shop instead of a shopping center just to buy it daily needs commodities.

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