Australia Camels Mass Killing: Where is PETA Now?

08-Jan-2020, Updated on 1/8/2020 4:45:06 AM

Australia Camels Mass Killing: Where is PETA Now?

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Everyone is familiar with the horrific natural disaster of the bushfire that has come to Australia. It has severely affected the southeast part of Australia. There may be a person dead or not, but it is so clear that many animals are dead and many animals are yet to die. Now Australia is moving ahead with an immoral, inhuman work in which the lives of these innocent animals are being threatened.  

About 10 thousand camels who want to quench their thirst by going to nearby town areas due to this year's biggest drought will be mass killed as the Australian Government has given their approval for their slaughtering. 

Australia Camels Mass Killing Where is PETA Now

Where did the animal rights groups go now? PETA, the only self-proclaimed institution to save animals, did not post a word about the move on its Twitter handle, Instagram profile, Facebook page because it is the country from which the sole savior of animals gets funding. It takes courage to speak and fight, which is not enough and possible for organizations like PETA who themselves have amassed more than 50 million dollars and continue to earn by captivating and selling their own protected and rescued animals through its various outlets around the globe. 

PETA does not care and doesn't simply give a damn if the animal lives or dies. (PETA) People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is an organization that performs its work by simply showing a short video clip on social media to show how brutal this world is turning towards animals! In Australia, at this time there are 1 million to 1.3 million camels due to which they together take up an area of ​​3 .3 million square meters. 

Australia had also presented the project about this in the year 2003. The name of this project is the Australian Feral Camel Project, under which they can control the Aussie camels's more than the required growing population.  

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Now, this is a double policy of the government, beyond which the animal rights groups, who take money from it, are only able to make statements, do protests and more and if more only file court cases which only remain indicative and nothing concrete comes out of it. 

Can Australia be allowed to do this? NOT, at all! But the nation down under is doing this and all the animal rights groups of the world can only speak, they cannot do anything because they exist with the funding of these countries only and at the end of the day which employees can speak against their own boss? 

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