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Australian Bushfires Issue : How We Are Destroying Our Own Forests!
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Coming into the new year of 2020 and with a new decade to welcome we are living on a planet which is being destroyed by its own inhabitants- the one and only humans.
We are almost every month seeing the same fate of our mother nature being destroyed, compromised and in the way putting ourselves on the verge of destruction as well as our natural sphere.
We are living just to die! What is happening on a daily basis in California forests of the United States of America is the true example of ill-treatment of humans towards the planet Earth.
The latest natural disaster to make it on the list is the Australian Bushfires. From last year's September month we are witnessing an unprecedented natural forest fire that is tearing the rural are of this island nation and might reach the urban territory sooner or later. Already two dozen people have gone missing from their homes in this bushfire, very much likely due to the sad fact of getting trapped in it and dying out.
One who has not visited Australia like the country before cannot understand the scale of threat it possesses for the down under part of the Earth.
The forest fires continue in the agony of being destroyed by the humans to whom it gave everything it had, perhaps more than required and deserved by the anti-nature Australian people.
Now the Australians are crying and pleading for help on social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc as if it was not their fault at all in the first place.
The poor fire management cannot be addressed by the anti-nature, self-centered and careless outsiders who removed the natural habitants- Red Indians and now today called themselves the true Australians. So if it so then go and save your forest lands, fellas!
The simple reasons for this Australian natural disaster are the usage of cigarettes, matchsticks in the forest fires which are strictly prohibited but again the Aussies do not care about it!
Arson is another reason these types of forest fires happen. Out of jealousy or doing a crime against each other, humans tend to forget about the forest fires.
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Prime Minister Scott Morrison has been told to get lost by the residents of the area facing this natural collapse of a disaster as he used to rebuff the fire experts on the warning that a disaster like a bushfire might occur and it was said back in April and now from September they are facing the problem.
Above that even if the forest fire is happening due to nature itself it is only due to lack of moisture and rain for which only humans are solely responsible and who should change the situation for their very survival or shall prepare to die.

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