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Iran USA Conflict
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The tension between Iran and USA is not a new issue. This has started since 1953, during the phase of Prime Minister of Iran Mohammad Mossadeq. Initially, the phase was very friendly between both the country but the close alliance turned down due to the dramatic reversal and disagreement between both the countries after the 1979 Iranian Revolution.
As it is still evident that USA always wanted to be the head and still trying to do the same to become a global hegemony. However, this causes the serious effect in the relation of both the countries as America’s arrogance and hegemony was unacceptable to Iran’s Government. Iran has a huge source of Natural resources which makes it an undeclared king in the world economy. Because it is very obvious that Crude Oil is the basic requirement of every country to make its economy flow and grow as well.
After all these issues, still USA was Iran’s foremost economic and military partner. This supported Iran to develop its infrastructure and industries and head toward modernization. For this, about 30,000 Americans were used to reside in Iran to improve the Technical, Consulting, and Teaching capacity of Iran.
Iran wanted to take this opportunity worldwide and establish its economy in global market, but the influence of USA is hampering the growth of Iran very badly. Due to this, in 1995, USA put a ban over trade with Iran. This put a great restriction between the trade of USA and Iran. This was done by the President Bill Clinton, as he mentioned the reason that, he did this because of ‘unusual and extraordinary threats’ on the America’s National Security. The security threat is caused by Iran. That Iran, whom USA should supposed to support in the past.
Beside all these issues, the blame game from both the sides is going on with a great pace. When Obama Became the President of USA both the countries tried to pacify the disputes at a level and maintain a good relation between them. And as an initiative Obama allowed to support the Nuclear Deal with Iran and lifted the ban. The ban which devastated the economy of Iran from many years. However, with such a gesture, Iran agreed to give up its nuclear capability and allow workers from the United Nation to do facility check whenever they like.
After all these initiatives, things didn’t go well with the new President of USA. Trump temporarily banned Iranian citizens from entering in USA on January 27, 2017. And he even mentioned the Comprehensive Deal with Iran when Obama was the president as the worst deal negotiation and a disaster which could lead to nuclear holocaust.
Still, USA is eyeing over establishing its hegemony in not only in Iran but also in other Gulf Countries. And now the tension between Iran and USA is getting worsen. Iran doesn’t want to be the victim and USA wanted to rule Iran just for the sake of crude oil and represent itself as the ruler in world. But still, Iran is fighting for its rights regardless of its weaken economy. Now, the phase of Cyber War came into action in between both the countries.
Iran and USA are keeping an eyeing over each other by using new technology and didn’t letting each other to know about it. Still, the loopholes exits and they get to know about in meanwhile. USA even aiming towards initiating a full-fledged war with Iran, however, it is put on hold and the tension is arising between both the countries with each passing day.

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