Is Animal not a being.....?
social issues


Is Animal not a being.....?

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Talking about the “Human Beings” of this existence... How selfish and self-centered they can be... one might have an idea about this... 

Well, these so-called “Social Animal” scream-out their emotions... of Pain, Love, Agony, and Loneliness... etc, subject against the Rights of the Human Constitutions...

But have ever had someone has asked to those silent beings of our existence... what they actually feel... or what they need...?

Yes! It’s a right guess... The most neglected being of our society... “An Animal..!”

Is Animal not a being.....?

Since, the beginning of this world... humans are found to be the most intelligent being amongst the entire species... no wonder their mind has done wonders within no time... but what they lacked is to understand the pain of their silent companions...

Few of these Human Beings found Animals to be a great companion for their loneliness... few found them to be the best meal for a day...!

And silently they had just taken everything onto them... reason been their incapability to express... and no such rights for the betterment of their living...

I know one would rise up a point... that there have been so many programs been running for the welfare of the animals... but hey... hang-on... there is a difference between the welfare and the rights for them...

Is Animal not a being.....?

Welfare... basically is to help them reduce their suffering.... whereas the rights are strictly required for these non-humans for regulating the methods for exploitation... and improve the status of these non-humans. Thus, the need for their rights was required to harden the concept of the law that humans have the rights to use them as the tool for food, research, and entertainment...

So the importance of advocating the right is to relinquish the idea that nonhumans can be treated, bought and sold as commodities. Thus, the right advocate demands something grand and much valuable and that’s freedom...

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Now, the conclusion for this should be an oath not to touch upon the conscious being for the sake of satisfying our lavish needs and use these nonhumans as commodities... 

Hope this would have changed your mindset... !

Written By
I am a content writter !

