Hold the plank position to engage your entire core, focusing on stability. This simple yet effective move targets abs, lower back, and shoulders.
Twist side to side while holding a weight to engage your obliques and strengthen your waistline. It’s a great move for rotational strength.
Lie flat and raise your legs to target your lower abs. This move strengthens the lower part of your core, improving flexibility and strength.
Pedal in the air while twisting to touch opposite elbows to knees. This dynamic exercise works both your abs and obliques for total core engagement.
Lie on your back and extend your opposite arm and leg. This exercise enhances core stability and improves coordination and control.
Using a cable machine, twist and pull the rope to engage your core. It’s excellent for targeting the obliques and improving rotational strength.
Next: 5 benefits of using Green Chilly as vegetables
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