10 Fascinating Facts About Zebras

By MindStick

No two zebras have the same stripe pattern. Their stripes are like human fingerprints!

Zebra stripes help control body temperature by reflecting heat and keeping them cool.

Zebras are closely related to horses and donkeys, but they have never been fully domesticated.

Like horses, zebras can sleep while standing, which helps them escape predators quickly.

Baby zebras, called foals, can run within 30 minutes of being born to stay safe from predators.

Zebra stripes confuse predators by making it hard to focus on one zebra in a moving herd.

Zebras live in groups called herds and protect each other from threats.

Zebras bark, bray, and snort to communicate with each other.

A zebra’s kick is strong enough to injure or even kill a lion if threatened.

Zebras are truly fascinating animals! Their stripes, speed, and strong social nature make them special.

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