Titan Arum: Another corpse flower, famous for its large size and strong odor, reaching over 10 feet in height.
Puya raimondii: Produces a flower spike up to 30 feet tall, found in the Andes.
Magnolia grandiflora: Southern magnolia with blooms up to 12 inches wide.
Sunflower: Helianthus annuus can grow over 10 feet tall with large, bright flower heads.
Peony: Paeonia lactiflora has large, fragrant flowers, up to 10 inches across.
Hibiscus: Hibiscus rosa-sinensis flowers can reach up to 8 inches in diameter.
Queen of the Andes: Another name for Puya raimondii, known for its massive inflorescence.
Tree Peony: Paeonia suffruticosa has huge, colorful blooms up to 10 inches wide.
Giant Water Lily: Victoria amazonica, with leaves over 8 feet in diameter and large flowers.
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