Red-billed Blue Magpie: Notable for its long tail and striking blue and red coloring.
Himalayan Griffon Vulture: Large vulture with impressive wingspan, commonly seen soaring in the sky.
Green-tailed Sunbird: Small, colorful bird with a distinctive green tail, found in flowering trees.
White-throated Kingfisher: Bright blue wings and white throat, often spotted near water bodies.
Yellow-billed Blue Magpie: Similar to the red-billed, but with a yellow beak and equally vibrant plumage.
Blue Whistling Thrush: Dark blue bird known for its melodious whistle, found in wooded areas.
Scarlet Minivet: Striking red and black bird, often seen in mixed-species flocks.
Great Barbet: Large bird with colorful plumage and a distinctive call, often found in fruiting trees.
Verditer Flycatcher: Bright blue-green bird, often seen perched in the open on trees or wires.
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