10 weird looking aquatic animals.

By MindStick

Axolotl: Native to Mexico, it retains larval features into adulthood, with external gills and a unique appearance.

Leafy Seadragon: Found in Australia, its leaf-like appendages provide camouflage in seaweed.

Goblin Shark: Dwelling in deep waters, it has a protrusible jaw and a distinctive long, flat snout.

Mola Mola: Known as the ocean sunfish, it has a bizarre, flattened appearance.

Giant Isopod: Resembling a large aquatic pill bug, it inhabits the deep sea.

Hatchetfish: With a flattened body and upward-facing eyes, it's adapted to deep-sea environments.

Barreleye Fish: Its transparent head and tubular eyes allow it to see above for prey while swimming below.

Giant Tube Worm: Found near hydrothermal vents, it has a long, tube-like body with no mouth or digestive system.

Yeti Crab: Inhabiting hydrothermal vents, it has a hairy appearance due to filamentous bacteria living on its shell.

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