Top 10 Stretching Exercises To Increase Height And Improve Posture

By MindStick

Cobra Stretch: Lie for your stomach, area your fingers below your shoulders, and raise your higher frame even as maintaining your pelvis at the floor.

Cat-Cow Stretch: Get in your arms and knees, arch your back upwards like a cat, then decrease your lower back while lifting your head and tailbone.

Bridge Pose: Lie to your back, bend your knees, and raise your hips towards the ceiling.

Superman Stretch: Lie in your belly, raise your chest, arms, and legs off the ground simultaneously.

Pilates Roll-Up: Lie in your lower back, stretch your hands overhead, and roll up to a seated function.

Wall Stretch: Stand towards a wall, enlarge your hands overhead, and lean lower back lightly.

Hanging Stretch: Hang from a bar with your palms prolonged overhead to decompress the backbone.

Pelvic Tilt: Lie in your again with knees bent, and tilt your pelvis in the direction of your chest.

Side Stretch: Stand with feet apart, reach one arm overhead, and lean to the opposite side.

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