International Yoga Day: Yoga Poses for Beginners

By MindStick

Adho Mukha Svanasana: Bend your knees a little to facilitate the move if you have tight hamstrings. Keep feet parallel

Tadasana: The alignment in Mountain pose draws a straight line from the crown of your head to your heels

Virabhadrasana 1: Remember in Warrior I is that the hips face forward. Think of your hip points as headlights

Virabhadrasana II: Unlike Warrior I, in Warrior II, the hips face the side of the mat

Utthita Parvakonasana: One modification of Extended Side Angle Pose is to bring your forearm to your thigh instead of placing your hand on the floor

Uttanasana: To do Standing Forward, Bend, exhale, and fold over your legs

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