8 Crazy Facts About Colors That Will Blow your mind

By MindStick

The human eye can distinguish up to 10 million different colors.

The color blue actually has a calming effect on the human body, and is often used in hospitals and bedrooms to promote relaxation.

The color red can increase heart rate and blood pressure, and is often associated with danger and excitement.

The color yellow is the most difficult color for the human eye to process, which is why it can be hard to focus on for extended periods of time.

The color green is the easiest color for the human eye to process, which is why it is often used in the design of computer screens.

The color purple is often associated with royalty and luxury, as it was once a very expensive dye to produce.

The color orange is a combination of red and yellow, and is often associated with happiness and warmth.

The color black absorbs all light and has no reflection, which is why it is often associated with darkness and mystery.

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