Why skill development is very important for Indian Youth
indian youth

one year ago

Why skill development is very important for Indian Youth

The youth of India is the most crucial factor when it comes to the development of a nation. With the right skills and proper training

Smart Speakers: The future of Digital Marketing
digital marketing

one year ago

Smart Speakers: The future of Digital Marketing

As digital marketers, we are always looking for new ways to reach our target audiences. With the rise of smart speakers we now have a new way

Skill Development Is Necessary For Youth

3 years ago

Skill Development Is Necessary For Youth

The subject of skill development has been seen in the curriculum of most of the youth of India in the last few years. Human beings have to work very hard in the

Factor crucial apart from Education : Life skills (Part 1)

3 years ago

Factor crucial apart from Education : Life skills (Part 1)

Life Skills are very important and it comes when you invest your time in yourself rather than education and bookish.

Leaders are Born or Made?

5 years ago

Leaders are Born or Made?

The skills can be learned and mastered over it, if and only if, one needs to do that.