"Vinayak Damodar Savarkar: National Hero or Anti-National Agitator?"


"Vinayak Damodar Savarkar: National Hero or Anti-National Agitator?"

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Veer Savarkar, also known as Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, was a key figure in India's struggle for independence from British rule. His contributions to the Indian nationalist movement were diverse and significant, and continue to be remembered and celebrated in India today.

One of Savarkar's most important contributions to India's independence struggle was his advocacy for militant nationalism. He believed that the use of force was necessary to achieve Indian independence, and called for the formation of armed resistance groups to fight against British rule. This idea was controversial at the time, but it inspired many young Indians to take up the cause of independence and engage in acts of resistance against the British. Savarkar himself was imprisoned by the British several times for his activism, but his commitment to the cause of Indian independence remained steadfast.

In addition to his advocacy for militant nationalism, Savarkar also played a significant role in promoting Hindu nationalism and identity. He believed that Hinduism was the true essence of Indian culture, and that the Indian nationalist movement should be based on Hindu principles. Savarkar's ideas on Hindu identity were influential in the development of the Hindu Mahasabha, a political party that sought to promote Hindu unity and challenge Muslim separatism. While Savarkar's views on Hindu nationalism have been controversial, they played an important role in shaping the political discourse of the time and continue to be debated in India today.

Savarkar was also a prolific writer and speaker, and his works on Indian nationalism and Hindu identity remain influential to this day. Some of his most notable works include "Hindutva: Who Is a Hindu?" and "The Indian War of Independence, 1857". His writings and speeches helped to mobilise Indians for the cause of independence, and his ideas on Indian nationalism continue to inspire many people in India today.

Savarkar's contributions to India's independence struggle were not limited to his activism and writing, however. He also played a key role in organizing and mobilizing Indians for the cause of independence. He helped to form the Abhinav Bharat Society, a secret revolutionary society that sought to overthrow British rule in India. The society was instrumental in organizing acts of resistance against the British, and its members were involved in several high-profile incidents, including the assassination of a British official in 1909.

Savarkar's contributions to India's independence struggle have been controversial, and his legacy continues to be debated in India today. Some people see him as a hero of Indian nationalism, while others view him as a divisive figure whose ideas on Hindu nationalism were exclusionary and divisive. Despite these controversies, however, there is no denying the significant impact that Savarkar had on India's struggle for independence. His ideas on militant nationalism and Hindu identity inspired many young Indians to join the cause of independence, and his activism and leadership played a key role in organising resistance against British rule. Today, he is remembered as one of the key figures in India's struggle for independence, and his legacy continues to be an important part of India's history and identity.


Contributions of Savarkar:


  • In the Ratnagiri district, Savarkar constructed the Patit Pavan Mandir so that all Hindus, including Dalits, may enter.
  • The rigid caste system "deserves to be thrown into the dustbins of history," believes  Savarkar.
  • Savarkar aimed to encourage people to follow any profession of their choosing based on aptitude and ability rather than caste-based rigidity in the workplace. Savarkar argued that "merely following what one's father did, will make one both complacent and unproductive" in the absence of desire, competition, or aptitude.
  • Savarkar wished to end the practise of inter-caste dining. In his words, "Religion is in the heart, soul, and spirit; not the stomach!" Additionally, he supported inter caste unions.
  • Veer Savarkar intended to make Vedic literature accessible to all people, not just members of one caste. He described Vedic literature as India's one-of-a-kind contribution to humanity and civilizational wisdom for the entire human race.
  • Savarkar was a proponent of international travel and the idea that Indians should leave the country to explore other countries in order to "bring back the best of the world and carry the fragrance of India and her culture to every corner of the globe."
  • Veer Savarkar emphasised the necessity to cultivate a scientific mindset. He had said, "We are 200 years behind Europe. The only way we can make sure that every man and woman in India has a work to do, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a place to live is via science, contemporary thought, and industrialisation.


Criticism faced by Veer Savarkar:

  • He has been the subject of controversy and criticism due to his controversial views on Hindu nationalism. Many have argued that his ideas about Hindu identity were exclusionary and divisive, promoting the notion of a Hindu Rashtra or Hindu nation, which would exclude religious minorities such as Muslims and Christians. His advocacy for militant nationalism has also been criticised as promoting violence and terrorism, as well as his alleged involvement in the assassination of Mahatma Gandhi, which has been condemned as a heinous act of violence against a revered figure in Indian history.
  • Moreover, Savarkar's close association with British colonial authorities and his apparent willingness to collaborate with them in exchange for personal gain have been seen as a betrayal of the Indian nationalist cause. He has also been criticised for his alleged involvement in communal riots, particularly during the partition of India, and for his support for the caste system, which many view as discriminatory and oppressive.
  • In addition, Savarkar's writings have been accused of promoting religious intolerance, and his ideas about Hindutva or Hindu nationalism have been linked to the rise of Hindu supremacist movements in India. Some have also criticised his ideas about Indian history, which they argue reflect a biassed and distorted view of the country's past. Despite his contributions to Indian nationalism, these negative aspects of his legacy have led many to view him with scepticism and criticism.

In conclusion, Veer Savarkar remains a controversial figure in Indian history, with his legacy continuing to be debated and discussed to this day. While he was a prominent figure in the Indian independence movement and a key proponent of Hindu nationalism, his views and actions have been criticised by many. Some consider him a hero and a nationalist icon, while others view him as a divisive and problematic figure.

Savarkar, a staunch nationalist who was against rigid caste system has made relentless efforts in freedom movement and recently faced backlash from Congress leader Rahul Gandhi by alleging that freedom fighter VD Savarkar helped the britishers and remained loyal to themI believe that Rahul Gandhi should not use Veer Savarkar as a political football and insult his nationalistic legacy. It is actually ironic and amusing to see Rahul Gandhi attacking Savarkar, as many other freedom fighters have praised his contributions to India's struggle for independence. I believe that Veer Savarkar's reputation is a testament to the importance of how history is taught and remembered. He was a visionary leader who dedicated his life to the cause of Indian independence. He played a pivotal role in shaping India's political and social landscape and his contributions to the country are immeasurable. His advocacy of Hindu nationalism, social reform, and self-reliance inspired a generation of freedom fighters and continues to resonate with many in India today. Savarkar's legacy lives on as a beacon of hope and inspiration for those who seek a better future for India. His ideas and principles will continue to shape the nation's destiny for years to come.


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Hello everyone! My name is Aastha Jain and I'm a law student at Jindal global law school. I am interested in politics, corporate law, family law, fashion and skincare.

