8 Incredible Facts About Sharks

By MindStick

Sharks existed before dinosaurs, making them one of the oldest species on Earth.

Certain deep-sea sharks, like the Lantern Shark, produce a natural bioluminescent glow to blend in with the ocean.

Sharks can detect electric fields using special organs called ampullae of Lorenzini, helping them find prey.

The Whale Shark, reaching up to 60 feet long, is the biggest fish but feeds only on plankton.

The Epaulette Shark can use its fins to "walk" on the ocean floor and even survive on land for short periods.

A shark can grow and lose over 30,000 teeth in its lifetime, ensuring it always has sharp teeth for hunting.

Shark attacks on humans are extremely rare—you’re more likely to be injured by a falling coconut than a shark!

The Greenland Shark is the longest-living vertebrate, with some individuals estimated to be 400+ years old.

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