Bald Eagle - The national bird of the USA, known for hunting fish but also preys on small mammals and birds.
Golden Eagle - A powerful bird of prey that hunts rabbits, foxes, and even small deer in mountainous regions.
Peregrine Falcon - The fastest bird in the world, diving at speeds over 240 mph to catch other birds in mid-air.
Harpy Eagle - One of the strongest eagles, using massive talons to hunt monkeys and sloths in rainforests.
Owl (Great Horned Owl) - A nocturnal predator that silently hunts rodents, snakes, and even other birds at night.
Secretary Bird - This tall African bird stomps on snakes and small mammals before eating them.
Osprey - A fish-eating raptor that dives into water to catch fish with its sharp talons.
Vulture - Unlike other predators, vultures scavenge dead animals, playing a crucial role in nature’s cleanup.
Northern Goshawk - A skilled hunter that chases squirrels, rabbits, and other birds through dense forests.
Lammergeier (Bearded Vulture) - This vulture eats bones, dropping them from heights to break them open for the marrow inside.
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