The Island Fox is a small, rare fox species found only on the Channel Islands. Conservation efforts have helped it recover from near extinction.
This rare, lungless salamander thrives in the cool, rocky slopes of Shenandoah National Park and is highly sensitive to environmental changes.
Native to the meadows of Yosemite, this toad is known for its distinctive coloration and is at risk due to habitat loss and climate change.
One of the rarest fish in the world, this tiny blue fish survives in a single, isolated water-filled cave in the hottest place on Earth.
Once declared extinct in the wild, the Red Wolf has been reintroduced and now roams the remote areas of the Great Smoky Mountains.
This bushy-tailed squirrel with striking white fur and tufted ears is found only on the Kaibab Plateau of the Grand Canyon.
Unique to the high alpine meadows of Olympic National Park, this social rodent is known for its whistling calls and playful nature.
A highly secretive species, this salamander lives underground and emerges only during the rainy season in the Jemez Mountains.
This miniature subspecies of the white-tailed deer is found only in the Florida Keys, making it one of the rarest deer species in the world.
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