Betta Fish - Colorful and easy to care for, Bettas live alone. They need a small tank with warm, clean water.
Guppy - Guppies are small, playful, and come in bright colors. They are hardy and can live in different water conditions.
Neon Tetra - These tiny fish have glowing blue and red stripes. They love to swim in groups and need a peaceful tank.
Platy Fish - Platies are friendly and come in many colors. They are easy to feed and don’t need much care.
Molly Fish - Mollies are peaceful and can live in fresh or salty water. They love swimming in groups and need a clean tank.
Zebra Danio - These active fish have black-and-white stripes. They are strong and love to swim in groups
Corydoras Catfish - These bottom-dwellers keep the tank clean. They are peaceful and like to live in small groups.
Swordtail Fish - Swordtails are lively and have long, sword-like tails. They are easy to care for and love swimming around.
Cherry Barb - These small red fish are friendly and playful. They are active but love a calm, planted tank.
Goldfish are classic pets but need a big tank. They can live for years with proper care!
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