The bumblebee bat, also known as Kitti's hog-nosed bat, is the world’s smallest mammal, weighing only 2 grams and fitting comfortably on a fingertip.
The Etruscan shrew, weighing just 1.2-2.7 grams, is not only one of the tiniest mammals but also boasts an incredibly fast metabolism.
The pygmy jerboa, found in deserts, measures just 1.5 inches in length and has tiny, spring-like legs for hopping.
The pygmy mouse lemur from Madagascar is the smallest primate, weighing around 1.1 ounces and measuring about 5 inches long.
Though not a mammal, this tiny gecko often gets mistaken for one due to its small, soft features, measuring just 1.6 inches long.
The American pygmy shrew weighs just 3 grams and is one of the smallest mammals in North America, known for its quick movements.
The long-tailed planigale, native to Australia, is one of the world’s tiniest marsupials, weighing about 5 grams and measuring 2 inches.
The harvest mouse, weighing 4-6 grams, is the smallest rodent in Europe and is often spotted climbing through grass and crops.
The Philippine tarsier is one of the smallest primates in the world, measuring about 3-6 inches and weighing as little as 4 ounces.
The pygmy possum, weighing just 10 grams, is a miniature marsupial found in Australia, known for its big eyes and nocturnal nature.
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