10 yellow birds that are nature’s treasures to humanity

By MindStick

American Goldfinch: Known for its vibrant yellow feathers and cheerful song.

Yellow Warbler: A small, brightly colored bird often found in North America.

Western Tanager: Features a striking yellow body with a contrasting red head.

Yellow Canary: Native to Africa, known for its sweet singing and vibrant color.

Common Yellowthroat: Recognizable by its black mask and yellow throat.

Golden Oriole: Found in Europe and Asia, known for its beautiful yellow plumage.

Prothonotary Warbler: A brightly colored warbler found in wooded swamps of North America.

Eurasian Siskin: A small finch with a yellow-green body and black markings.

Yellowhammer: Known for its distinctive song and bright yellow head and breast.

Yellow-bellied Sapsucker: A woodpecker with a yellowish belly and black-and-white striped back.

Next: 11 animals with the most beautiful eyes in the world

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