10 most smelly animals on Earthe.

By MindStick

Striped Skunk: When threatened, it releases a foul-smelling spray from its anal glands as a defense mechanism.

Hooded Pitohui: Found in New Guinea, its skin secretes toxins that produce a strong odor.

Vulture: Feeding on carrion, its digestive system creates a strong smell.

Marabou Stork: Its diet of carrion contributes to its unpleasant odor.

Sloth: Due to its slow metabolism, bacteria on its fur create a musky odor.

Tasmanian Devil: Emitting a strong scent during mating season, it's attributed to its anal glands.

Binturong: Known as the "bearcat," it excretes a musky scent from its scent glands.

Sulphur-Crested Cockatoo: Emitting a strong odor from its preen gland, it's used for marking territory.

Honey Badger: Using scent to communicate, it emits a strong odor from its anal glands when threatened.

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