10 dangerous Punishments in Indian history

By MindStick

Amputation: Serious crimes regularly led to amputation of limbs as a form of punishment, serving as a deterrent to others.

Crucifixion: This historic approach concerned public execution with the aid of nailing or tying the perpetrator to a move.

Blinding: Perpetrators of heinous crimes confronted the punishment of having their eyes gouged out, ensuing in permanent blindness.

Stoning: Offenders have been pelted with stones till death, a brutal shape of execution used for extreme crimes.

Decapitation: Beheading turned into a commonplace form of capital punishment for serious offenses, regularly completed publicly.

Burning Alive: Criminals had been tied to stakes and set on fire, ensuing in excruciating pain and dying.

Dismemberment: This punishment worried the removal of body components, such as limbs, thus for extreme crimes.

Burial Alive: Offenders were buried underground, often with best their heads uncovered, main to a slow and agonizing dying.

Banishment: Individuals deemed undesirable have been exiled from society, pressured to live in isolation far from their groups.

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