Names of the world biggest Stars

By MindStick

UY Scuti - The red supergiant is 1,708 times wider than our Sun, with a radius of 1.2 billion km (738 million miles).

WOH G64 - At 1,540 times the size of our Sun WOH G64 is a very large star. It’s also likely to be very very dusty.

WOH 5170 - Located in the constellation Dorado, WOH S170 is a red star that is 1,461 times the size of our Sun. Wo(a)h, indeed.

RSGC1-F01 - RSGC1 F01 is located in a star cluster in our Milky Way. Its size is estimated to be between 1,436 and 1,530 times the size of our Sun.

HD 269551 - HD 269551 is still a star to remember for its gigantic size – it’s been measured at 1,439 times the size of our Sun.

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